Violence in Language

Jack Krupansky
6 min readSep 9, 2016


This informal paper asserts that the use of violence in language is generally misguided, possibly harmful, and generally not in the best interests of a free and open society. It cheapens discourse. Reason, being reasonable, and remaining calm, are much more acceptable, advisable, and admirable — and productive — than resorting to violence even if only in the form of language, and that violence in language is not a virtue. And this includes both written and spoken language, or any other form of expression for that matter.

And this includes force as well. Force and violence are close cousins. Force alone may not cause the kind of harm and destruction normally associated with outright violence, but the point is that whether violence or merely force is used, the intent is to unfairly and unreasonably deprive another of liberty and property, and the pursuit of happiness. Coercion, intimidation, and threats are unreasonable even if no blood is shed or bones broken, or property stolen, damaged, or destroyed.


It has become common for language to be used as a form of force to compel or incite action or an involuntary response.

It is not uncommon to see language used in a very forceful manner, as if it actually were a form of violence.


The thesis motivating this paper is that language is best used to communicate ideas and to persuade, with persuasion focused on positive arguments based on reason and appeals to positive emotions, and that resorting to the language of violence lowers the level of discourse and cheapens it, demeaning the value of facts, merit, and reason.

Communicate and persuade vs. attack and incite

The proposition put forth in this paper is that language should be restricted to communication and persuasion and not be used to attack and demean others or to incite a negative or irrational response or action from others.


The main focus of this paper is on the actual language used rather than the intent per se. Incitement is generally prohibited anyway. And incitement can occur even with relatively mild language that conveys a heavy meaning even with words which individually may be quite mild. This paper suggests that even if actual harm or violence is not incited, the mere resort to violence in language is itself problematic.

Why resort to the use of violence in language?

People resort to violence in language for a variety of reasons, such as:

  • Shortcut to their ends.
  • A psychological need to dominate others.
  • A practical need to assault and harm others, such as a political campaign or high-stakes business competition.
  • Fun — some people actually enjoy it.
  • Thrill of battle — some people get off on the visceral feeling they get, as if they were actually engaging in physical force or violence.
  • Ego and status — some people respect people who can dominate others.


A lot of the motivation for resorting to violence in language seems to be as a shortcut to an end, compelling compliance or action, without the need for a more lengthy process based on facts, merit, and reason.

Words emphasizing violence and force

  1. Aggressive, aggressively
  2. Anger, angry
  3. Argue, argument
  4. Arm, armed, arms
  5. Arms race
  6. Arrow
  7. Assault
  8. Attack
  9. Bang
  10. Battle, battles
  11. Beat, beating, beat up
  12. Bellicose
  13. Belligerent
  14. Belt
  15. Berate
  16. Blast
  17. Block, blocking
  18. Blood — Draw blood
  19. Blood money
  20. Bloodbath
  21. Bloody
  22. Blow, blow up, blown away
  23. Bludgeon
  24. Bomb
  25. Boom
  26. Break
  27. Bruise
  28. Brutal
  29. Bully
  30. Bullseye
  31. Burn
  32. Burst
  33. Bust
  34. Castrate
  35. Chain, chained
  36. Chase
  37. Choke, choke off
  38. Clash
  39. Clobber
  40. Coerce
  41. Combat
  42. Combative
  43. Confront, confrontation
  44. Conquer
  45. Coup
  46. Cripple
  47. Crosshairs
  48. Crush
  49. Cuff
  50. Cut
  51. Cutthroat
  52. Dead, death
  53. Deathmatch
  54. Decimate
  55. Demolish
  56. Destroy
  57. Detonate
  58. Devastate
  59. Dominate
  60. Draw blood
  61. Drive
  62. Drive down
  63. Drive out
  64. Drown
  65. Explode
  66. Explosive
  67. Eviscerate
  68. Feel the heat
  69. Ferocious
  70. Fierce
  71. Fight, fighting words
  72. Fire
  73. Firing shots
  74. Fisticuffs
  75. Force
  76. Forceful
  77. Fuck, fucked
  78. Get in their face
  79. Gun, guns, holding a gun to our head, holding a gun to their head, holding a gun to your head
  80. Gut (verb)
  81. Gut punch
  82. Hand-to-hand combat
  83. Harass
  84. Havoc
  85. Hit
  86. Hit back
  87. Hurt
  88. Impale
  89. Implode
  90. Incite, incitement
  91. Intimidate
  92. Jab
  93. Joust, jousting
  94. Jump
  95. Kick
  96. Kill
  97. Knock
  98. Lash
  99. Lash out
  100. Leap
  101. Lose
  102. Medieval
  103. Melee
  104. Militant
  105. Murder
  106. Outrage
  107. Pain
  108. Pillage
  109. Pointing a gun
  110. Pounce
  111. Pressure
  112. Prevail
  113. Prisoners, take no prisoners
  114. Provoke, provocation
  115. Pugnacious
  116. Pull
  117. Pull no punches
  118. Push
  119. Punch
  120. Punch back
  121. Rage
  122. Rape
  123. Ravage
  124. Ream
  125. Rebel
  126. Revolt
  127. Revolution
  128. Riot
  129. Rip
  130. Ruin
  131. Running scared
  132. Sack
  133. Savage
  134. Scalp
  135. Scar
  136. Scare
  137. Scourge
  138. Scrape
  139. Scream
  140. Scuffle
  141. Seethe
  142. Seize
  143. Shackle, shackled
  144. Shake up
  145. Shield
  146. Shoot, shoot down, shot, shot down
  147. Shout
  148. Shove
  149. Siege
  150. Skirmish
  151. Slam
  152. Slaughter
  153. Slap
  154. Slay
  155. Sling
  156. Smack
  157. Smother
  158. Snuff out
  159. Squash
  160. Squeeze
  161. Squish
  162. Stab
  163. Stand over
  164. Stomp
  165. Strangle
  166. Strike
  167. Strike a blow, strikes a blow, struck a blow
  168. Struggle
  169. Sudden death
  170. Suicide
  171. Tackle
  172. Take a shot
  173. Target
  174. Thrash
  175. Threaten
  176. Throe, throes
  177. Throw
  178. Throw a bomb, throwing a bomb
  179. Throwing someone under the bus
  180. Ticking time bomb
  181. Torture
  182. Toss
  183. Trip, trip up
  184. Truculent
  185. Twist
  186. Uprising, rise up
  187. Vicious
  188. Violate
  189. Violence, violent, violently — other than to reference actual physical violence (e.g., “I’m violently opposed”, “in violent opposition”, “do violence to” for words or concepts but not people or property or natural objects)
  190. War, warpath
  191. Weapon, weaponize
  192. Whack
  193. When push comes to shove
  194. Whip
  195. Win
  196. Wrestle
  197. War
  198. Warpath
  199. Weapon
  200. Weaponizing
  201. Wreak, wreak havoc
  202. Yank

Coarse language

There is also the related general issue of cursing, cussing, profanity, and otherwise coarse language, which has much the same effect, to appeal to an emotional response rather than rely on facts, merit, and reason..

Violent or forceful intent of language

  1. Provocation
  2. Incitement
  3. Scare
  4. Demean
  5. Belittle
  6. Coercion
  7. Embarrassment
  8. Intimidation
  9. Sexual violence or violation
  10. Belligerent
  11. Bellicose
  12. Mean, mean-spirited
  13. Nasty
  14. Hostile, hostility

There is also explicit language vs. implied intent.

Tone of voice

There is also the issue of tone of voice. Tone can make the language of force and violence even more compelling.

Even if the explicit words do not convey a sense of force or violence, the tone used to express those words may indeed convey a sense of force or violence, the latter being as inappropriate as explicitly violent or forceful language.

Posture and gestures

Posture can also send a message of force and violence the same as tone, such as:

  1. Hands balled up into fists.
  2. A sharp, stabbing motion with a pointed finger.
  3. Rapid, forceful arm movements directly at a person.
  4. Invading the personal space of the other party.

Inflammatory language

Although not explicitly violent or forceful, inflammatory language can be just as harmful, such as referring to someone or a group as:

  1. Childish
  2. Crazy
  3. Idiot
  4. Ignorant
  5. Insane
  6. Mentally ill
  7. Retarded
  8. Sick
  9. Stupid

And language which tends to express:

  1. Bias
  2. Disparagement in general
  3. Prejudice

Hate language

Beyond general disparagement, hate language is inflammatory language directed at individuals or groups based on religion, race, ethnicity, nationality, language, disability, gender, gender identity, sexual preference, appearance.

Provocation and incitement

Violent and forceful language can be harmful, but language that verges on provocation or incitement is clearly intended to goad the other side into an ill-considered response, which itself may consist of either equally forceful and violent language if not actual force and violence.

Taunting and fighting words are forms of provocation and incitement.

I would define provocation as containing or pertaining to an intent to elicit a strong, emotional response, whether in words, actions, or even merely feelings.

Fighting words

Fighting words are indeed incitement, but at a much more personal level. They amount to a challenge that the opponent almost literally has no choice to ignore.


Taunting may be more mild than outright fighting words, but they are still a harmful form of incitement, goading the other side into action, or even if action is not likely, to undermine the other side’s sense of self-worth.


A form of taunting, bullying is intended to significantly undermine an individual’s sense of self-worth, possibly leading to suicide.

Nonviolent language

There are plenty of words available for asserting strong feelings without the need to resort to the language of violence and intimidation, just as:

  1. Win
  2. Compete
  3. Challenge
  4. Appeal
  5. Encourage
  6. Cooperate
  7. Collaborate
  8. Persuade
  9. Discuss

Expressing feelings

There is the issue of how to properly express feelings when they may in fact involve a level of intensity that borders on the language of violence. Generally, the energy and content of feelings should be separated, with the energy channeled in some positive manner and the content of feelings expressed in a more calm tone of voice.

Future: Automated tool to highlight use of violence in language

It would be nice to have an online automated tool to highlight passages of text in a document where violent language is used.

It would be nice to have such a tool embedded and integrated with common online text editors, such as Google Docs.

Future: Suggest alternatives to violence in language

It would be nice to have suggested alternative language for instances of the use of each violent word.

And it would be even nicer to have an automated tool which could convert violent language to more benign language.

And it would be nice to have this feature embedded and integrated with common online text editors, such as Google Docs.

