Values of Significant Groups, Organizations, and Figures in America

Jack Krupansky
86 min readJul 13, 2017


As part of my Search for American Values project, this informal paper provides lists of values for a number of significant groups, organizations, and individuals in America, including notable historical figures, as well as the various generations who are currently alive.

It is not exhaustive by any means, but gives a reasonably big picture view of the landscape of values in America at a group level.

As opposed to my previous paper on a Master List of Values in America, which is now over 2,000 values and still growing, a typical group, organization, or individual in this paper has a rather short list, typically of four to eight values, commonly referred to as core values. My own personal list of values is currently at 50 values. I did endeavor to winnow my own personal list down to five values, although it didn’t feel like a terribly satisfying experience.

As with my previous papers, this paper treats values broadly, including anything value-like:

  • Principles
  • Ideals
  • Beliefs
  • Virtues
  • Rights
  • Issues
  • Qualities
  • Characteristics
  • Character

Some of the lists presented here are not from truly significant sources or individuals per se, but are included since they at least seemed to take a serious stab at enumerating a significant list of values.

Note: All values listed in this paper have already been incorporated into my Master List of Values in America.

Who’s in here?

This informal paper has lists of values from these sources:

  • Pilgrims
  • Puritans
  • Quakers
  • Declaration of Independence
  • U.S. Constitution
  • Bill of Rights
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964
  • Voting Rights Act of 1965
  • Founding fathers of the U.S.
  • Benjamin Franklin
  • Thomas Paine
  • George Washington
  • Thomas Jefferson
  • John Adams
  • Alexander Hamilton
  • James Madison
  • Notable Presidents
  • Andrew Jackson
  • Abraham Lincoln
  • Theodore Roosevelt
  • Woodrow Wilson
  • FDR
  • Eleanor Roosevelt
  • JFK
  • Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
  • Democratic National Committee (DNC)
  • Republican National Committee (RNC/GOP)
  • Republicans in general
  • Log Cabin Republicans
  • Core Democratic Party values
  • American Values Project Progressive values
  • Bernie Sanders family values
  • Platform of the North Dakota Republican Party
  • Platform of the Republican Party of New Hampshire
  • Conservative values from Conservapedia
  • Conservative Republicans of South Johnson County
  • Green Party
  • Democratic Socialists of America
  • Department of Defense
  • Air Force
  • Army
  • Coast Guard
  • Marine Corps
  • Navy
  • U.S. Department of State and USAID core values
  • United Nations Charter
  • United Nations Millennium Declaration
  • Universal Declaration of Human Rights
  • National Democratic Institute (NDI) democratic values
  • International Republican Institute (IRI)
  • District of Columbia values
  • James Clear core values
  • Alt Right values
  • Catholic values today
  • Catholic Morals & Values
  • 10 Christian Values Every Kid Should Know by Donna J. Habenicht
  • What Does the Bible Say About Christian Values and Christian Life?
  • Christian Values from Wikipedia
  • Christian Values from
  • Eight Core Christian Values from Evangelical Alliance
  • Judaism
  • Core Islamic Beliefs: Six Articles of Faith from
  • What are the core values of Islam? from
  • Buddhism
  • Native American values from Northwest Indian Applied Research Institute
  • Native American values from Indian Country Today
  • Four Ancient Native Values that Inspire Mainstream Culture
  • Native American Values and Their Impact on Native Culture
  • Values Americans Live By from L. Robert Kohls / The Washington International Center
  • Key American Values from University of Missouri — St. Louis
  • A Fondness for Ice Water: A Brief Introduction to the U.S.A. and Its People
  • Ten Core American Values from Andrews University
  • American Values by Prof. Guy Reel on Common Dreams
  • America’s Core Values from
  • The Core Democratic Values from Anchor Bay Schools
  • Lower Merion School District Program Planning Guide
  • Core Democratic Values from Civics Online
  • Google (Alphabet)
  • Apple
  • Amazon
  • AT&T
  • General Motors
  • IBM
  • Merck
  • Microsoft
  • Procter & Gamble
  • Ford Foundation
  • Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
  • Albert Einstein
  • Generations
  • Traditionalist generations (GI and Silent)
  • Baby Boomer generation
  • Generation X
  • Millennial generation
  • Homeland generation
  • Anti-Defamation League (ADL)
  • American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
  • Environmental Defense Fund (EDF)
  • World Wildlife Fund (WWF)
  • Amnesty International
  • Influential philosophers prior to the Revolution
  • Obama Foundation

What about non-core values?

Good question. That does concern me. My interest is in ALL American values — what exactly do people mean when they say “American values” or “our values”? They never say “core values”, so what are the non-core values they are referring to?

This paper focuses on values in general, which certainly includes core values, but includes other values, principles, ideals, and beliefs as well.

In cases where a group, organization, or historic figure did not have a clear list of associated values, I instead listed beliefs or qualities which seemed to reflect values in some way.



  1. General, my own recollections.
  • Religion.
  • Belief in God.
  • Puritan Calvinist religious beliefs.
  • Needed to be separated from the English state church.
  • Detested the trappings, traditions, and organization of the Church of England.
  • Skeptical of the political environment of England.
  • English cultural identity.
  • Religious freedom.
  • Faith.
  • Advancement of the Christian faith.
  • Perseverance.
  • Endurance.
  • Community.
  • Sharing.
  • Community self-sufficiency.
  • Cooperation. (Mayflower Compact.)
  • Submission.
  • Obedience.
  • Commitment.
  • Order.
  • Preservation.
  • Mutual respect.
  • Value of hard work.
  • Independence.
  • No dependence on large, central government.
  • Helping their fellow man.
  • Christian lifestyle.
  • Honesty.
  • Fairness.
  • Compassion.
  • Benevolence.
  • Morality.
  • Missionary work.



  • Personal Biblical interpretation through the Holy Spirit.
  • Both individual and corporate conformity to the teaching of the Bible.
  • Moral purity pursued down to the smallest detail.
  • Ecclesiastical purity to the highest level.
  • Man exists for the glory of God.
  • First concern in life was is to do God’s will and so to receive future happiness.
  • Jesus Christ is the center of public and personal affairs.
  • Biblical prophecy.
  • Education.
  • No use of musical instruments in religious services for theological and practical reasons.
  • A colony whose government, society, and church were all based upon the Bible.
  • Wanted the Church of England purified of any liturgy, ceremony, or practices which were not found in Scripture.
  • Bible was their sole authority, and with these beliefs, they believed it applied to every area and level of life.
  • No place for toleration in Puritan America. Those not in accord with the lofty spiritual aims of the colony could move elsewhere.
  • Strong beliefs.
  • Faith.
  • Conviction.
  • Congregation, group, family, and community — not individualists.
  • Church was the center of their community, providing purpose and direction to their lives.
  • Importance of worship.
  • Sunday as a day of worship.
  • Sermons central to the intellectual life of the Puritans.
  • Instruction and training of children considered heavy responsibilities.
  • Schools for children.
  • To know God and Jesus Christ.
  • Christ as the bottom and the only foundation of all sound knowledge and learning.
  • Every area of life should be molded by Christian principles.
  • All honorable work is a means of glorifying God.
  • All of life is God’s.
  • No distinction between secular and sacred work.
  • God calls each person to a particular vocation or occupation.
  • Every Christian should act as a careful steward of the talents and gifts God has given him.
  • Working in one’s calling or vocation is a means of serving God and men.
  • Idleness is a great sin.
  • Diligence in one’s calling is a virtue.
  • Family is the most basic institution in Puritan society and is organized like a miniature church.
  • Family is the foundation of all civil, social, and ecclesiastical life.



  • Direct relationship between people and God and through Jesus Christ.
  • Direct religious experience.
  • Direct experience of Christ without the aid of an ordained clergy.
  • Continuing revelation.
  • Trying to hear God.
  • Immediate guidance of God.
  • All of life is sacred in God.
  • Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Saviour.
  • Jesus Christ as their Teacher and Lord.
  • Evangelize the unsaved people of the world.
  • Bible is the infallible and self-authenticating Word of God.
  • Piety.
  • Faith.
  • Love.
  • Reading and studying of the Bible.
  • Personal and group encounter with the divine, rather than dogma or creed.
  • Spiritual experience is central.
  • Emotional purity.
  • Light of God.
  • Seeking the inner light in each person.
  • Individual obedience to the Inner Light.
  • Reject the use of a particular form of words, because words can become a barrier rather than a search for understanding our shared human experience.
  • Reject all forms of religious symbolism and outward sacraments.
  • United by spiritual insights also known as testimonies.
  • Deep experience.
  • Integrity.
  • Equality.
  • Simplicity.
  • Community.
  • Stewardship of the Earth.
  • Peace.
  • Social justice.
  • Quiet.
  • Inner conviction.
  • Challenge our normal ways of living.
  • Spiritually-led actions.
  • Live spiritual insights out for ourselves.
  • Nonviolence.
  • Commitment to nonviolence in thought, word and deed based on the idea that all human beings have something of the divine with us.
  • Answering that of God in every one.
  • Living values both individually and as a community.
  • Living values both in the ordinary detail of our lives and in the wider world.
  • Early advocates against slavery, for women’s rights, for better prison conditions.
  • Advocate for harmonious relationships between peoples and nations.
  • Pacifists.
  • Seek non-violent, sustainable ways of addressing challenges, whether at a personal, communal, national or international level.
  • Opposition to war.
  • Refusal to participate in war.
  • Conscientious objectors.
  • Plain dress.
  • Refusal to swear oaths.
  • Opposition to slavery.
  • Teetotalism.
  • Radical spiritual role of women.
  • Industrious.
  • Volunteers.
  • Yearly meetings.
  • Tolerance of dissent.
  • Missionary work.
  • Loving God and humanity totally, as exemplified by Christ, enables believers to rid themselves of voluntary sin.
  • Importance of good works.
  • Living a life that upholds the virtues preached by Jesus.
  • Treating others equally.
  • Living simply.
  • Telling the truth.
  • Universalist Friends affirm religious pluralism.
  • Prayer.
  • Personal integrity.
  • Marriage and family (lifelong commitment).
  • Regard for mind and body (refraining from certain amusements, propriety and modesty of dress, abstinence from alcohol, tobacco and drugs).
  • Look to God for authority, not the government.
  • Plain language.
  • Relief of suffering.
  • Temperance.
  • Moderation.
  • Programmed or unprogrammed worship (also known as waiting worship or silent worship).
  • Distance themselves from practices that they see as pagan.

Declaration of Independence


  • The states are united.
  • Laws of Nature.
  • Nature’s God.
  • Decent respect to the opinions of mankind.
  • Essential truths held to be self-evident — not a matter for discussion or debate.
  • All men are created equal.
  • Unalienable Rights endowed by their Creator.
  • Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.
  • Governments are instituted by the people to secure the rights of the people.
  • Governments derive their powers from the consent of the governed.
  • People have the right to alter or abolish a government and replace it with a new government if it becomes destructive to the needs of the people.
  • The government must have its powers organized on a foundation based on principles that the people can sense will most likely result in their Safety and Happiness.
  • Government must not be changed on a whim or in a cavalier manner (“light and transient causes.”) It is not unacceptable to suffer moderate indignity in the short-term in order to assure that the long-term health of the government is not damaged by too-frequent or ill-advised changes.
  • It is the right and duty of a people to discard a government which engages in “a long train of abuses and usurpations” that reduces the people to living under in a state tantamount to despotism and absolute tyranny.
  • Unobstructed administration of justice.
  • Independent judiciary.
  • Government officials must not harass the people.
  • Military must be under civilian control.
  • Taxation requires consent.
  • Respect for petition for redress of grievances. Right to petition as well as right to expect relief.

U.S. Constitution

Including Bill of Rights and as amended.


  1. Constitution:
  2. Bill of Rights:
  3. Amendments:


  • The people — We the people.
  • Strive for a more perfect union.
  • Justice.
  • Domestic tranquility.
  • Common defense.
  • General welfare.
  • Blessings of liberty — for us and for posterity.
  • Republican form of government.
  • Representative democracy.
  • Legislative, executive, and judicial branches of government.
  • Checks and balances between branches.
  • Uniformity of taxation throughout the states.
  • Commerce and trade.
  • Post office.
  • Roads.
  • Arts.
  • Science.
  • Intellectual property.
  • Congress responsible for declaring war.
  • Strong military.
  • Domestic militia (national guard) to put down insurrections, and to repel invasions
  • Right to challenge the legality of an arrest in court (Writ of Habeas Corpus.)
  • No one can be legislated to be guilty of a crime and punished without a trial (bill of attainder.)
  • No one can be accused and convicted of a crime for an action which was not a crime at the time (ex post facto law.)
  • No tax on commerce between states.
  • No titles of nobility issued by federal government.
  • Government may not interfere with the obligations of contracts.
  • Citizenship applies across all states, not simply the state of residence.
  • Every state is guaranteed a Republican Form of Government.
  • The federal government will protect all states from invasion.
  • The federal government will intervene and protect the people of a state from domestic violence, but only when requested by the state.
  • Every state will have equal vote (“suffrage”) in the U.S. Senate.
  • Proportional representation in the House of Representatives.
  • Electoral college for election of President.
  • Constitution and treaties are the law of the land.
  • Religion may not be used to disqualify holding of office.

Bill of Rights:

  • To prevent the abuse of government power.
  • Separation of church and state (“the Establishment Clause.”)
  • Freedom of religion.
  • Freedom of speech. And expression in general.
  • Freedom of the press.
  • Freedom of assembly. Peaceable assembly. Right to protest — peaceably.
  • Freedom of association. Association cannot be infringed. Neither can association be compelled.
  • Right to petition government for redress of grievances.
  • Right of the people to keep and bear Arms.
  • No obligation to quarter soldiers in private homes.
  • Freedom from unreasonable searches and seizures.
  • Warrant required for search and seizure.
  • Right to privacy.
  • Grand jury indictment required for felony federal charges. Not required for non-felony or non-federal charges.
  • Protection against double jeopardy.
  • Protection against self-incrimination.
  • Right to due process against loss of life, liberty, or property.
  • Right to fair compensation for taking of property by the government.
  • Right to a speedy and public trial
  • Right to an impartial jury.
  • Right to be tried in the state in which the crime was committed.
  • Right to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation for a trial.
  • Right to be confronted with the witnesses against you in a trial.
  • Right to subpoena witnesses in your favor for a trial.
  • Right to have the assistance of counsel for a trial.
  • No excessive bail.
  • No excessive fines.
  • No cruel and unusual punishment.
  • All rights of the people are retained even if not specifically enumerated in the Constitution.
  • Enumerated powers of the federal government. All other powers belong to either the states or the people, unless otherwise prohibited to either.
  • Sovereignty of states.
  • Ban of slavery and involuntary servitude. With the exception of punishment for a crime.
  • Birthright citizenship.
  • Equal protection of the law.
  • The public debt of the United States shall not be questioned.
  • Right to vote regardless of race, color, or prior slavery or servitude status.
  • Income tax. A good thing, for the benefit and services of all, even if many don’t agree.
  • Popular election of senators.
  • Right to produce, transport, and consume alcoholic beverages (“intoxicating liquors.”)
  • Right of women to vote.
  • Term limit for President.
  • Voting cannot require payment of a tax.
  • Right to vote for ages 18–20.

Civil Rights Act of 1964


  • Freedom from discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.
  • Freedom from unequal application of voter registration requirements.
  • Freedom from racial segregation in schools.
  • Freedom from racial segregation in employment.
  • Freedom from racial segregation in public accommodations.

Voting Rights Act


  • Freedom from racial discrimination in voting.
  • Freedom from language minority discrimination in voting.
  • Freedom from “test or device” requirements to vote or cast a ballot, such as literacy tests, educational or knowledge requirements, proof of good moral character, and requirements that a person be vouched for when voting.

Founding fathers of the U.S.

Full list:

Founders covered in this paper:

  • Benjamin Franklin
  • Thomas Paine
  • George Washington
  • Thomas Jefferson
  • John Adams
  • Alexander Hamilton
  • James Madison

Benjamin Franklin

Courtesy of PBS, here are the thirteen virtues that Benjamin Franklin espoused.


  • Temperance
  • Silence
  • Order
  • Resolution
  • Frugality
  • Industry
  • Sincerity
  • Justice
  • Moderation
  • Cleanliness
  • Tranquillity
  • Chastity
  • Humility

Thomas Paine


  • Crystallized sentiment for independence in 1776.
  • Inspired the rebels in 1776 to declare independence from Britain.
  • Reflected Enlightenment-era rhetoric of transnational human rights.
  • Knew how to communicate, with powerful effect, with a popular audience at exactly the point at which that popular audience was beginning to feel and test its political influence.
  • Promoted reason and free thought.
  • Argued against institutionalized religion in general and Christian doctrine in particular.
  • Introduced the concept of a guaranteed minimum income.
  • Spreading the idea of republicanism.
  • Advocating a complete break with history.
  • Offered a solution for Americans disgusted with and alarmed at the threat of tyranny.
  • Clarion call for unity against the corrupt British court.
  • America’s providential role in providing an asylum for liberty.
  • Denounced the decaying despotisms of Europe.
  • Pilloried hereditary monarchy as an absurdity.
  • Demonstrated to many the inevitability of separation.
  • Employed rhetoric as a means to arouse resentment of the Crown.
  • Rendered complex ideas intelligible to average readers of the day, with clear, concise writing unlike the formal, learned style favored by many of Paine’s contemporaries.
  • Spoke to ordinary people — bluntness and sweeping rhetoric that alienates the more philosophically inclined modern reader were an essential element in his success and his continuing importance.
  • Affirmed the right and responsibility of ordinary people to think for themselves and to reach their own judgment on matters.
  • Ordinary people can indeed make sound judgments on major political issues.
  • There exists a body of popular wisdom that is readily apparent to anyone.
  • Democratic ethos.
  • Great contribution was in initiating a public debate about independence which had previously been rather muted.
  • Peaceful nature of republics.
  • Common sense could refute the claims of traditional institutions.
  • Common sense as a weapon to delegitimize the monarchy and overturn prevailing conventional wisdom.
  • Synthesis of popular and elite elements in the independence movement.
  • Appealed to widespread convictions.
  • Denounced aristocracy and monarchy as two ancient tyrannies which violated the laws of nature, human reason, and the universal order of things, which began with God.
  • Exactly what most Americans wanted to hear.
  • Good Americans devoted to civic virtue.
  • “What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value.”
  • Tore apart monarchies and traditional social institutions.
  • Proposed representative government with enumerated social programs to remedy the numbing poverty of commoners through progressive tax measures.
  • Enthusiastic supporter of the French Revolution.
  • Moral objection to capital punishment in general and to revenge killings in particular.
  • Utopian thread in Paine’s thought — a utopian image of an egalitarian, republican society.
  • Utopianism combined civic republicanism.
  • Inevitability of scientific and social progress.
  • Commitment to free markets.
  • Commitment to liberty generally.
  • Society based on the common good and individualism.
  • Redemptive futurism.
  • Political messianism.
  • Natural justice.
  • Fervent objections to slavery.
  • Land ownership separated the majority of people from their rightful, natural inheritance and means of independent survival.
  • Advocated Deism — “The only religion that has not been invented, and that has in it every evidence of divine originality, is pure and simple Deism.”
  • “I believe in one God, and no more; and I hope for happiness beyond this life.”
  • “I do not believe in the creed professed by the Jewish church, by the Roman church, by the Greek church, by the Turkish church, by the Protestant church, nor by any church that I know of. My own mind is my own church.”
  • “All national institutions of churches, whether Jewish, Christian or Turkish, appear to me no other than human inventions, set up to terrify and enslave mankind, and monopolize power and profit.”
  • “The Christian religion is a parody on the worship of the sun, in which they put a man called Christ in the place of the sun, and pay him the adoration originally paid to the sun.”
  • Liberals, libertarians, Left-libertarians, feminists, democratic socialists, social democrats, anarchists, free thinkers, and progressives often claim him as an intellectual ancestor.
  • Basic principles of a largely self-regulating commercial society, coupled with representative government, the rule of law, and a periodically renewable covenant.
  • Program for welfare provision for the poor, aged, disabled and destitute.
  • Outspoken republicanism.
  • Extensive proposals for schemes of social welfare.
  • Proposed tax on inheritance so as to provide a capital grant for all reaching the age of majority.
  • Proposed an annual pension for all at fifty.
  • Argued that the earth is common property to the human race and that everyone is owed compensation for the private appropriation of it.
  • Radicalism — moderately respectable radical with a deep suspicion of the hierarchical systems of Europe.
  • Controversialist — what he wrote invariably provoked controversy and was intended to do so.
  • Favored “a mode of government that should combine the greatest sum of individual happiness with the least national expense.”
  • Sovereignty of each generation — “Every generation must be as free to act for itself”; no generation can be bound by those before it; and none can bind those after.
  • Duty on the part of the state to respect contracts made previously by others in their capacity of representatives. A contract is not a law but an action, and while laws can be changed, acts are binding.
  • Actions that involve the transfer of rights must have the protection of the state and cannot be justly abrogated.
  • Representation ingrafted upon democracy — refused to promote democracy per se, the ancient direct democracy.
  • Draw a distinction between the constitution and the government.
  • America seen as the trigger for a renovation or the world as a whole.
  • Distinction between society and government.
  • “the more perfect civilisation is, the less occasion has it for government, because the more does it regulate its own affairs, and govern itself.”
  • America as the model for reform — a society that agrees on principles, establishes a constitution, and is able periodically to revise the constitution as the collective act of the people.
  • Seeing the American example as one that may be spread throughout the globe.
  • Delegation of power, for the common benefit of the people.
  • Appeal for representative government, to minimal government, and to government with the primary concern of protecting the natural rights of man more effectively — not a defense of [direct] democracy or universal suffrage.
  • Confidence in commerce as a means of uniting the interests of nations.
  • Original equality of man and the equal right to a subsistence from the earth.
  • “It is possible to exclude men from the right of voting, but it impossible to exclude them from the right of rebelling against that exclusion; and when other rights are taken away, the right of rebellion is made perfect.”
  • Divine origin of the rights of man.
  • Fraud of priestcraft, which so often runs hand in hand with despotism.

George Washington


  • Disliked abstract philosophical discussions.
  • Intelligent.
  • Well-informed.
  • Astute.
  • Not a polished writer.
  • Not a spellbinding speaker.
  • Not particularly affectionate.
  • Said little in public meetings.
  • Lacked the charisma of many of his successors.
  • Not a traditional military hero.
  • Won no spectacular victories during the Revolutionary War.
  • Widely admired as an outstanding president, but few of his policies were stupendous successes.
  • His genius lied principally in his character.
  • His character helped…
  • … sustain his troops throughout the travails of the Revolutionary War,
  • … convince delegates to the Constitutional Convention to assign significant powers to the presidency,
  • … secure the ratification of the Constitution, and
  • … enable the new republic to survive in a hostile world.
  • His moral character, especially his refusal to yield to temptation, set him apart.
  • He did not expect a political or financial reward for his military exploits.
  • Integrity.
  • Honor.
  • Dedication to duty and his country.
  • Remaining above the political fray.
  • Wisdom.
  • Judgment.
  • Astounding courage on the battlefield.
  • Dignity.
  • Congress trusted his moral character.
  • Military zeal.
  • Political passion.
  • Self-restraint.
  • Civil moderation.
  • Blending Stoic and Christian traditions.
  • Perseverance in the midst of setbacks.
  • Self-control — a key facet of his character.
  • Mastered himself.
  • Confident.
  • Steadfast.
  • Self-sacrifice.
  • Devotion to the common good.
  • Compassion.
  • Generosity.
  • Benevolence.
  • Strove to establish public confidence in the new government.
  • Strove to demonstrate that political leaders could act virtuously.
  • Believed his character was much more important to the success of the republic than his policies.
  • Reputation for integrity and uprightness.
  • Firmness.
  • Honesty.
  • His character helped hold the other founders together in the midst of tremendous trials.
  • Self-sacrifice.
  • Discipline.
  • Moral goodness.
  • His own example.
  • Worked to form an American character.
  • Expected both his officers and soldiers to act morally and “display the character of republicans” appropriate to “Christian Soldier[s]” who were defending their country’s “dearest Rights and Liberties.”


  • Need to bind the nation together.
  • Open up lines of communication for the spread of commerce and enlightenment.
  • Create an effective national government.
  • Plan for a “national morality” grounded ultimately in the individual virtues that make self-government possible: courage, moderation, wisdom, and above all, justice.
  • Conviction that happiness and virtue are inseparable.
  • He held to well-developed, consistent political views throughout his public life.
  • Three key influences on Washington’s thought: classical republicanism; British liberalism; and Protestant Christianity.
  • Acute sense of duty.
  • Effort to master his passions.
  • Ideal of the gentleman farmer.
  • Concern for his public reputation.
  • More of the Roman Stoic than the leisurely Aristotelian gentleman.
  • Liberalism.
  • Natural rights.
  • Government by consent.
  • Need for checks and balances.
  • Need for a strong central authority.
  • Providence.
  • Religious toleration.
  • Did not believe in Jefferson’s (and Madison’s) “wall of separation” between church and state.
  • Dedication to self-government.
  • Endure frontier hardships.
  • Shake off diseases.
  • Fight unwieldy, ferocious, bloody, devastating conflicts.
  • Master of calculating, planning, using his influence, employing people effectively, organizing for one political action after another, and always attentive to his reputation or, as we would say today, his image.
  • Move decisively.
  • Executive statesmanship.

Thomas Jefferson


  • Wide-ranging intelligence.
  • Absolute acquiescence in the decisions of the majority.
  • Deep optimism in human reason.
  • Will of the people expressed through elections provided the most appropriate guidance for directing the republic’s course.
  • Central government should be “rigorously frugal and simple.”
  • Strict interpretation of the Constitution.
  • Protection of civil liberties.
  • Protection of minority rights.
  • Deep appreciation of farming.
  • Commitment to democracy.
  • Jeffersonian democracy.
  • Opposition to aristocracy of any form.
  • Opposition to corruption.
  • Opposition to British style of government.
  • Insistence on virtue.
  • Supported international commerce.
  • Promoted new technology.
  • Westward expansion — hard working farmers could acquire land at reasonable prices.
  • Leading the struggle to enhance the rights of ordinary people in the early republic.
  • Owning slaves is okay? Oops.

John Adams


  • Reconciliation.
  • Peace.
  • Refusing to exploit war for personal and partisan gain.
  • Deeply principled actions.
  • Commitment.
  • Thorough preparation.
  • Key figure in the Continental Congress.
  • Ardent patriot.
  • Rights of the accused to a fair trial.
  • His principles determined his course of action even when they might be deeply unpopular.
  • Man of modest origins.
  • Achieved great success through personal effort.
  • Belief that inequality would always be an aspect of human society and that government needed to reflect that reality.
  • Emphasized the limits of human nature.
  • Acuity and depth of his political analysis.
  • Persistently challenged and questioned the soft spots of a more romantic and mythical American self-understanding.
  • Honest.
  • Wise.
  • Radical firebrand.
  • Well-developed political philosophy.
  • Impressive character.
  • Length of service.
  • Personal sacrifice.
  • Sophistication of his political advice.
  • No man ever served his country more selflessly.
  • Informed.
  • Critical and logical in his thinking.
  • Gifted in argument.
  • Erudite.
  • Preserved America’s neutrality.
  • Worked to end political disputes.
  • Efficacy of education.
  • Perils of wealth.
  • Necessity of private and public virtue to America’s success.
  • Importance of religious liberty and toleration.
  • Urged citizens to choose leaders based on their character, education, experience, and principles.
  • Statesmen should carefully study issues and situations, make judicious decisions, and work to convince their constituents of the merit of their positions.
  • Searched diligently and often alone to determine the most prudent policies and courses of action.
  • Sought to do what he deemed best regardless of how the public responded.

Alexander Hamilton


  • Federalism.
  • Institutions that would provide for a free government that was nonetheless capable of protecting the individual liberty of its citizens from both domestic majorities and foreign depredations.
  • Opposed to the “passionate attachment” of the people to absolute liberty.
  • Legislature was the creature of the Constitution and that the latter could never be subordinated to the former.
  • Defended the Constitution as the basis of a republic based on the rule of law, not the rule of men.
  • Honoring public debt.
  • Recognize the realities of international power.
  • Strong military.
  • Naval power.
  • Moderate the people’s passionate attachment to France.
  • Reconcile people to the international status of Great Britain, which because of its great naval power, could do a great deal of harm to US interests.
  • Strong central government.
  • Strong executive.
  • Strong financial system.
  • National bank.
  • Strong domestic money.
  • Emphasis on manufacturing for a strong economy.
  • Active in ending the legality of the international slave trade.
  • Slavery was morally wrong.
  • Stable source of funding.
  • Tariffs on imports.
  • Ardent promoter for adoption of the U.S. Constitution, including The Federalist Papers.
  • Honor.
  • Regulation of interstate commerce.
  • Administrative republic.

James Madison


  • Drafting and promotion of the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights, including The Federalist Papers.
  • Strong national government.
  • Strong state governments as well.
  • Drafted the Bill of Rights.
  • Strong army.
  • Strong financial system.
  • National bank.
  • Public service.
  • Religious liberty.
  • Coalition building.
  • Dismissive of excessive popular democracy (pursuing constituent interests) that interfered with the effective operation of the government.
  • Restrain the excesses of the states, especially their legislatures.
  • Shared sovereignty between the national and state governments.
  • U.S. neutrality.
  • U.S. established itself as a world power (after the War of 1812.)

Andrew Jackson


  • Jacksonian democracy — espoused greater democracy for the common man against a corrupt aristocracy.
  • Democratic spirit.
  • Opposition to monopoly of government by elites.
  • The people’s will should prevail.
  • Defender of the common people.
  • Fundamental commitment to the Jeffersonian concept of an agrarian society.
  • Advocated Republican values held by the Revolutionary War generation.
  • Central government as the enemy of individual liberty.
  • Government intervention in the economy benefited special-interest groups and created corporate monopolies that favored the rich.
  • Sought to restore the independence of the individual — the artisan and the ordinary farmer.
  • Purge government corruption.
  • Broaden public participation in government.
  • Judges should be elected rather than appointed.
  • Geographical expansion — Manifest Destiny.
  • Sought to avoid conflict over slavery.
  • Settlement by yeoman farmers.
  • Patronage as a good thing — to rotate appointees in and out of office.
  • Strict constructionism — limited government powers, refrain from encroaching on sovereignty of the states.
  • Laissez-faire hands-off approach to economy.
  • Opposition to banking, especially the national bank.
  • Universal suffrage — for white males, eliminating property ownership and tax requirements.
  • Increasing voter participation.
  • Stronger presidency at the expense of Congress.
  • Opposed most reforms — since they tended to require a more active government.
  • Not the Federal government’s job to fund projects of a local nature, or those lacking a connection to the nation as a whole.
  • The union strictly as the cooperative aggregation of the individual states, rather than the entire nation as a distinct entity.

Abraham Lincoln



Core values:

  • Freedom.
  • Justice.
  • Reason.
  • Mercy.
  • Honor.
  • Gratitude.

Four principles that guided Lincoln:

  • First, a guiding providence or some supernatural force largely directed the affairs of men. A corollary to this belief was that God had created a moral law for the government of men and that men should seek to approximate human law to the Divine law.
  • Second, human nature. Man had a higher nature. He possessed a mind and a conscience, and consequently he was capable of governing himself through democratic government. He could also achieve a more and more perfect society.
  • Third, an economic system in which most people would own property and in which all had equal opportunities to acquire it.
  • Fourth, an exaltation of the idea of the American Union… The United States was the supreme demonstration of democracy. But the Union did not exist just to make men free in America. It had an even greater mission — to make them free everywhere.

Additional values, principles, and qualities:

  • He was forgiving and had much charity for the errors and follies of his fellow men.
  • Declaration of Independence.
  • All men are created equal.
  • Centrality of equality — specifically racial equality.
  • Equality principle of the Declaration of Independence.
  • Declaration of Independence more important than U.S. Constitution.
  • Creed of collective American identity.
  • Interpreting the Declaration as a moral covenant.
  • Reverence for truth.
  • Devotion to truth and justice and freedom in every department of human life and under every temptation.
  • Justice and truth were paramount.
  • Honesty.
  • Intellectual honesty.
  • Incorruptible integrity.
  • Intention.
  • Discipline.
  • Persistence, especially in the face of adversity and in the face of criticism.
  • Force of will.
  • Ambitious. But only by pursuing principled policies. And it needed to be controlled.
  • Idealistic, but practical.
  • Pragmatist.
  • Both highly principled and highly pragmatic.
  • Understood how to handle principles — in the plural — in a world of actuality.
  • “Stand by your principles, stand by your guns, and victory, complete and permanent, is sure at the last.”
  • Prudence.
  • Ability to see the relationship between the workaday, economic realities of American life and the nation’s highest moral and political principles.
  • Deferring to other views yet refusing to abandon principle.
  • Conceding unimportant points to rivals while concentrating on the most important point.
  • “The true rule, in determining to embrace or reject any thing is not whether it has any evil in it, but whether it has more of evil than of good. There are few things wholly evil or wholly good. Almost every thing…is an inseparable compound of the two, so that our best judgment of the preponderance between them is continually demanded.”
  • Lincoln’s morality was well-practiced as well as well-preached.
  • Resolute.
  • Commitment.
  • Bond of the Union.
  • Politics was not about helping people exercise rights apart from doing what was right.
  • Slavery was so clearly a violation of the rights of black slaves that it was tantamount to a moral wrong.
  • Work.
  • Reason.
  • Every effect must have its cause.
  • Respect for the law.
  • Kindly nature.
  • Consistent focus on morality.
  • Nothing higher than the rule of law.
  • Deep and earnest sympathy with the afflictions of the whole people.
  • Modesty.
  • Humility.
  • Perseverance.
  • There are no accidents — every event has its cause.
  • Government of the people, by the people, for the people.
  • Equal opportunity to work.
  • Equal opportunity to succeed.
  • Universal economic opportunity — a right to rise.
  • Interpreter of America’s moral meaning.
  • Eloquence.
  • Emancipation Proclamation.
  • Importance of public opinion in making public policy.
  • Will of the people
  • Context.
  • Both firm and conciliatory.
  • Politics without moral courage was unthinkable.
  • Immense stock of common sense.
  • Putting common sense into practice
  • His understanding of principles was based on his understanding of people.
  • Lincoln knew himself. He had learned early in life to accept himself.
  • Principled and conservative but not ideological or rigid.
  • Confidence in his own intellectual powers.
  • Deep analysis and long cogitation that he developed an adolescent reader and thinker.
  • Lincoln’s political and economic philosophy was based on liberty and opportunity to work and earn the fruits of one’s labor.
  • Love of liberty.
  • Lincoln did not believe in personal retaliation.
  • His grace and tolerance was evident throughout his life.
  • Sometimes his willingness to forgive and forget greatly annoyed his friends.
  • “unless I can get there by fair means I shall not go.”
  • Lincoln always understood the political context in which principled actions must be taken.
  • Much of Lincoln’s distinction as a defining spokesman for America’s moral meaning has to do not with content but with style, tone, and mood.
  • Lincoln had a good ear for the American heartbeat and a very clear sense of the imperfection of humanity.
  • “I hold that while man exists, it is his duty to improve not only his own condition, but to assist in ameliorating mankind; and therefore, without entering upon the details of the question, I will simply say, that I am for those means which will give the greatest good to the greatest number.”

Qualities he did not possess:

  • Self-righteousness
  • Invidiousness
  • Moral pride
  • Condescension
  • Wild and furious passions
  • Savage mobs, outrages committed by mobs

Theodore Roosevelt Memorial quotations



  • There is a delight in the hardy life of the open.
  • There are no words that can tell the hidden spirit of the wilderness, that can reveal its mystery, its melancholy and its charm.
  • The nation behaves well if it treats the natural resources as assets which it must turn over to the next generation increased; and not impaired in value.
  • Conservation means development as much as it does protection.


  • A man’s usefulness depends upon his living up to his ideals insofar as he can.
  • It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.
  • All daring and courage, all iron endurance of misfortune make for a finer, nobler type of manhood.
  • Only those are fit to live who do not fear to die and none are fit to die who have shrunk from the joy of life and the duty of life.


  • I want to see you game, boys, I want to see you brave and manly, and I also want to see you gentle and tender.
  • Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground.
  • Courage, hard work, self-mastery, and intelligent effort are all essential to successful life.
  • Character, in the long run, is the decisive factor in the life of an individual and of nations alike.

The State:

  • Ours is a government of liberty by, through, and under the law.
  • A great democracy must be progressive or it will soon cease to be great or a democracy.
  • Aggressive fighting for the right is the noblest sport the world affords.
  • In popular government results worth while can only be achieved by men who combine worthy ideals with practical good sense.
  • If I must choose between righteousness and peace, I choose righteousness.

Theodore Roosevelt’s 20 Key Elements of Leadership


  • Begin hard and fast.
  • Seize — and hold — the initiative.
  • Continually communicate your vision to members of the organization.
  • Make the welfare of your team your foremost responsibility.
  • Hire people more talented than yourself.
  • Ceaselessly search for new talent.
  • Recognize strong performers.
  • Acknowledge and forgive acceptable mistakes — including your own.
  • Overlook “minor differences.”
  • Ruthlessly replace individuals who do not meet the standards of the enterprise.
  • Develop leaders.
  • Demonstrate faith in your team by delegation of authority.
  • Delegation, though extensive, should be bounded by clear standards.
  • Fortify delegation with selective intervention.
  • Manage by wandering around.
  • Back up your team.
  • Create an “inner circle” of leadership.
  • Continually convey loyalty and gratitude to your team — even after it has been disbanded or leadership has been transferred.
  • Serve as a continual agent of change.
  • Become the author of yourself.

Woodrow Wilson


  • Make the world safe for democracy.
  • Personal representative of the people.
  • Progressive reform.
  • Leading force in the Progressive Movement.
  • Asserted international leadership in building a new world order.
  • Activist foreign policy known as Wilsonianism.
  • Individualism.
  • States’ rights.
  • Graduated Federal income tax.
  • More elastic money supply — through creation of the Federal Reserve System.
  • Prohibited unfair business practices — by establishing the Federal Trade Commission.
  • Law prohibiting child labor.
  • Law establishing the eight-hour work day.
  • Strengthened antitrust law to prevent anticompetitive practices via the Clayton Act.
  • Championed the League of Nations as “a general association of nations…affording mutual guarantees of political independence and territorial integrity to great and small states alike.”
  • Government should not be deemed evil.
  • Advocated the use of government to allay social ills and advance society’s welfare.
  • Professed support for just wages.
  • Public administration — government in action.
  • Populist leanings, opposed to elitism.
  • Civil service.
  • Regulation of utilities.
  • Workmen’s compensation.
  • Expanded public participation in primaries (NJ.)
  • Progressive and sober, but not dry. (Not passionate about Prohibition.)
  • Opposed to women’s suffrage at the national level, but later changed his mind.
  • Baseball — avid fan; first president to attend and throw out the first ball at a world series game.
  • Favored voting reforms which empowered the populace.
  • Declined to accept campaign contributions from corporations and prioritized smaller donations.
  • Sought to undermine local political machines and party bosses.
  • Spoke his mind.
  • Emphasized humanity over property.
  • Opposition to entrenched interests.
  • Lower tariffs.
  • Limited federal government, but enhanced regulation.
  • Banking reform.
  • It is the task of government “to make those adjustments of life which will put every man in a position to claim his normal rights as a living, human being.”
  • Accepted and promoted segregation in the federal workplace as necessary to remove “friction” between the races, despite intense criticism.
  • Mediation.
  • Collective bargaining.
  • Neutrality.
  • Impartiality.
  • Fairness.
  • Friendliness.
  • Norms of international law.
  • Opposed to the United States as a military nation.
  • Better international ethical code.
  • Selflessness.
  • Spirituality.
  • Treaty obligations.
  • National sovereignty.
  • Territorial integrity.
  • Freedom from aggression.
  • Disdain for corrupt European power politics.
  • Social understanding — an interchange of views and a comprehension of interests.
  • Against selfish and autocratic power.
  • Opposed to incitement to violence, espionage, and sedition.
  • America as the savior of the world.
  • High-minded idealism.
  • Visionary internationalism.
  • Peace talks.
  • Peace without victory.
  • Presidential press conferences.
  • University research.
  • Scholarship.
  • Peace of reconciliation.
  • Democracy.
  • Self-determination.
  • Rejection of annexations and indemnities in international conflicts.
  • Collective security.



  • “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”
  • Four Freedoms…
  • … Freedom of speech.
  • … Freedom of worship.
  • … Freedom from want.
  • … Freedom from fear.
  • American defense of basic rights throughout the world.
  • Personal victory over polio.
  • Persistent optimism.
  • Activism.
  • Renewal of the national spirit.
  • New Deal — relief, recovery, and reform.
  • Support the unemployed and farmers.
  • Encourage labor union growth.
  • More closely regulating business and high finance.
  • Repeal of Prohibition.
  • Minimum wage.
  • Make America the Arsenal of Democracy.
  • Securities regulation.
  • Bank account insurance.
  • Active military leader.
  • Creation of the United Nations — in favor of a strong United Nations.
  • “The Crimean Conference ought to spell the end of a system of unilateral action, the exclusive alliances, the spheres of influence, the balances of power, and all the other expedients that have been tried for centuries — and have always failed. We propose to substitute for all these, a universal organization in which all peace-loving nations will finally have a chance to join.”
  • Creation of the Bretton Woods monetary system.
  • Progressive.
  • Opposition to local party bosses.
  • Support of labor.
  • Support of social welfare programs for women and children.
  • Support a large and efficient naval force.
  • Moderate.
  • Wilsonian.
  • March of civilization.
  • Made all the major decisions.
  • Raised goals.
  • Created momentum.
  • Inspired personal loyalty.
  • Got the best out of people.
  • Fostered competition and a clash of wills among aides that set off pulses of executive energy and sparks of creativity.
  • Always persuading, flattering, juggling, improvising, reshuffling, harmonizing, conciliating, and manipulating.
  • Fireside chats.
  • Leadership.
  • Confidence.
  • Restored confidence.
  • Noble social values.
  • Prohibited the combination of commercial and investment banking and other restrictions on speculative bank activities through the Glass-Steagall Act.
  • Creation of government-owned industrial enterprises to boost the economy — TVA.
  • Creation of Social Security.
  • Protection of the right to organize labor, engage in collective bargaining, and participate in strikes.
  • Policy decisions were guided more by pragmatism than ideology.
  • Bold, persistent experimentation.
  • “It is common sense to take a method and try it; if it fails, admit it frankly and try another. But above all, try something.”
  • Advocated that Americans should think of basic economic rights as a Second Bill of Rights.
  • Lifelong interest in the environment and conservation.
  • Protecting the environment.
  • Providing beauty and jobs for the people.
  • Preserve as much as possible of the existing forests.
  • Create new forests.
  • Expanding, funding, and promoting the National Park and National Forest systems.
  • Lifelong free-trader and anti-imperialist.
  • Objective of ending European colonialism.
  • Instituted Good Neighbor Policy towards Latin America.
  • Renounced the right to intervene unilaterally in the affairs of Latin American countries.
  • Building of infrastructure.
  • Neutrality, until it was no longer feasible.
  • Contain aggressor nations.
  • Intention to do everything possible to keep the United States out of war.
  • Preparedness.
  • Aid to the Allied coalition.
  • Decisive action.
  • Nation’s future participation in the international community.
  • Rapid expansion of government programs.
  • Redefined the role of the government in the United States.
  • Advocacy of government social programs.
  • Instrumental in redefining liberalism for coming generations.
  • Firmly established the United States’ leadership role on the world stage.

Eleanor Roosevelt


  • Dedication to the United Nations.
  • Instrumental role and driving force in drafting the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
  • Basic principles of human rights and freedoms.
  • Common standard of achievement for all peoples of all nations.
  • International Magna Carta of all men everywhere.
  • Lift men everywhere to a higher standard of life and to a greater enjoyment of freedom.
  • Man’s desire for peace.
  • Morality.
  • Man is fundamentally a moral being.
  • No man is by nature simply the servant of the state or of another man.
  • Man must have freedom in which to develop his full stature.
  • Common effort to raise the level of human dignity.
  • Moral backing.
  • Public order.
  • General welfare.
  • Equality.
  • Nondiscrimination.
  • Economic rights.
  • Social rights.
  • Cultural rights.
  • Activist.
  • Human rights.
  • Women’s rights.
  • International role as spokesperson for women.
  • Independent thought.
  • Current events.
  • Social engagement.
  • Plight of Depression-era workers.
  • Youth rights, education, and work opportunities.
  • Role of young people in the community.
  • Outspoken on the issue of racial discrimination.
  • Vocal support of the civil rights movement.
  • Looked to the future.
  • Committed to social reform.
  • Helped working women receive better wages.
  • Promoted cooperative communities.
  • Provide equality of opportunity for all.
  • Use of journalism to overcome social isolation for women.
  • Fighting for domestic justice.
  • Movement to allow the immigration of European refugee children.
  • Morale-building tours.
  • Supported increased roles for women and African-Americans in the war effort.
  • Advocated for women to be given factory jobs a year before it became a widespread practice.
  • Urged women of all social backgrounds to learn trades.
  • Campaigned for government-sponsored day care.
  • Supported the Tuskegee Airmen in their successful effort to become the first black combat pilots.
  • Strong proponent of the plan to de-industrialize Germany in the postwar period.
  • Most admired living woman in the 1950’s.



  • “Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.”
  • Asked the nations of the world to join together to fight the “common enemies of man: tyranny, poverty, disease, and war itself.”
  • Inspirational.
  • Optimistic vision.
  • United States as a force for prosperity and peace.
  • Passion for history.
  • Commitment to public service.
  • Vision of America in the world — hope combined with a strategy of peace is the greatest source of American power and global security.
  • International, rules-based order.
  • Multilateral institutions.
  • Advancing the sovereignty of nations.
  • Securing basic human rights.
  • Establishment of the Peace Corps — help underdeveloped nations in areas such as education, farming, health care, and construction.
  • Supported the Civil Rights Movement.
  • Initiated push for civil rights and voting rights laws.
  • America’s central role in the world.
  • International development.
  • Environmental policy.
  • Public leadership.
  • Championed the importance of intellectual life.
  • Recognition of the mutual dependence of the worlds of intellectuals and politicians.
  • Central role for learning and expertise.
  • Humanity’s new fragility.
  • Humanity’s interconnectedness.
  • Threat of nuclear war’s mutually-assured destruction.
  • America must relentlessly pursue peace around the world.
  • “We all inhabit this small planet, we all breathe the same air, we all cherish our children’s future, and we are all mortal.”
  • Start of arms control.
  • Turned away from ubiquitous Cold War rhetoric and proposing a plan that involved compromise.
  • Accepted the mantle of liberal world order, leadership of it, structure of it, and urgent necessity of it.
  • Tied-in destiny.
  • Called for diplomacy.
  • International cooperation.
  • Personal charm.
  • Wit.
  • Elegance of his oratory.
  • Charisma.
  • Iconic speeches.
  • Grace.
  • Courage.
  • Intellect.
  • Idealism.
  • Get the country moving again.
  • Vision.
  • Need for grand objectives.
  • Worldview of commitment, action, movement.
  • Soaring idealism.
  • Hopefulness.
  • Reverence.
  • Clean and graceful.
  • Enchantment.
  • Heroic grandeur.
  • Bold, progressive goals.
  • Life-affirming, life-enhancing zest.
  • Brilliance.
  • Cool commitment.
  • Steady purpose.
  • Reserved.
  • Pragmatic.
  • Public activism.
  • Speak to society’s moral yearnings.
  • Highest aspirations.
  • Nation’s capacities looked limitless.
  • Future seemed unbounded.
  • Solve hard problems.
  • Accomplish bold deeds.
  • Separation of church and state.
  • Challenges.
  • Space policy.
  • Relaxed.
  • Comfortable.
  • Active citizens.
  • Optimistic vision.
  • “We can learn our jobs together.”
  • Balanced budget pledge.
  • American willpower.
  • President’s credibility.
  • “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, will make violent revolution inevitable.”
  • Sought greater human rights standards.
  • Man can be as big as he wants.
  • Nuclear test ban treaty.
  • Nuclear nonproliferation policy.
  • Introduced the concept of a special relationship between the US and Israel.
  • New Frontier economic program — promised federal funding for education, medical care for the elderly, and economic aid to rural regions.
  • Income tax rate reduction.
  • Reduction in federal use of death penalty.
  • Appointing many blacks to office.
  • The high promise of our heritage.
  • Executive orders prohibiting racial discrimination.
  • Efforts to achieve equal pay for women.
  • Efforts to reform immigration law to eliminate discrimination based on national origin.
  • Exploited television as a communication medium.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.


The King Philosophy:

  • Triple Evils.
  • Six Principles Of Nonviolence.
  • Six Steps of Nonviolent Social Change.
  • The Beloved Community.

Triple Evils:

  1. Poverty — unemployment, homelessness, hunger, malnutrition, illiteracy, infant mortality, slums.
  2. Racism — prejudice, apartheid, ethnic conflict, anti-Semitism, sexism, colonialism, homophobia, ageism, discrimination against disabled groups, stereotypes.
  3. Militarism — war, imperialism, domestic violence, rape, terrorism, human trafficking, media violence, drugs, child abuse, violent crime.

Six Principles Of Nonviolence:

  1. Nonviolence is a way of life for courageous people.
  2. Nonviolence seeks to win friendship and understanding.
  3. Nonviolence seeks to defeat injustice not people.
  4. Nonviolence holds that suffering can educate and transform.
  5. Nonviolence chooses love instead of hate.
  6. Nonviolence believes that the universe is on the side of justice.

Six Steps of Nonviolent Social Change:

  1. Information gathering.
  2. Education.
  3. Personal commitment.
  4. Discussion/Negotiation.
  5. Direct Action.
  6. Reconciliation.


  • Active nonviolent resistance to evil.
  • Aftermath of nonviolence is the creation of the Beloved Community.
  • Aftermath of nonviolence is reconciliation.
  • Aftermath of nonviolence is redemption.
  • All-inclusive spirit of sisterhood and brotherhood.
  • All-out world war against poverty.
  • Befriending of adversaries.
  • Belief that the universe is on the side of justice.
  • Beloved Community — The Beloved Community.
  • Brotherly society — Truly brotherly society.
  • Choosing love instead of hate.
  • Choosing nonviolence over violence.
  • Civil rights movement.
  • Community — Preserve and create community.
  • Compassionate nation — Great nation is a compassionate nation.
  • Compromise.
  • Conflicts can be resolved peacefully.
  • Conflict is an inevitable part of human experience.
  • Conflict resolution.
  • Conflicts can be resolved peacefully and adversaries can be reconciled through a mutual, determined commitment to nonviolence.
  • Courageous people.
  • Creative tension — Moral pressure.
  • Decency.
  • Defeat injustice.
  • Direct action.
  • Discussion and negotiation.
  • Do not seek to humiliate the opponent but to call forth the good in the opponent.
  • Each act of reconciliation is one step closer to the Beloved Community.
  • Education.
  • Eliminate hidden motives.
  • Fellowship of Reconciliation.
  • Friendship and understanding.
  • Gain support and sympathy.
  • Genuine inter-group and inter-personal living.
  • Great nation is a compassionate nation.
  • Human decency.
  • Information gathering.
  • Integration.
  • International standards of human decency.
  • Justice is indivisible.
  • Lasting peace through reconciliation.
  • Love and trust.
  • Love and trust will triumph over fear and hatred.
  • Love in action.
  • Methods of nonviolence.
  • Minimize misunderstandings.
  • Miracles in the hearts of men.
  • Moral pressure — Creative tension.
  • Nonviolence does not seek to defeat the opponent.
  • Nonviolence is a way of life for courageous people.
  • Nonviolence seeks to win friendship and understanding.
  • Nonviolence seeks to defeat injustice not people.
  • Nonviolence holds that suffering can educate and transform.
  • Nonviolence chooses love instead of hate.
  • Nonviolence believes that the universe is on the side of justice.
  • Nonviolence is directed against evil systems, forces, oppressive policies, unjust acts, but not against persons.
  • Nonviolence resists violence of the spirit as well as the body.
  • Nonviolence seeks friendship and understanding with the opponent.
  • Nonviolent frame of mind.
  • Nonviolent love is spontaneous, unmotivated, unselfish and creative.
  • Nonviolent resistance to evil.
  • Nonviolent resisters.
  • Nonviolent social change.
  • Peace with justice.
  • Peaceful conflict resolution.
  • People committed to and trained in the philosophy and methods of nonviolence.
  • People of goodwill.
  • Personal commitment.
  • Philosophy and methods of nonviolence.
  • Preserve and create community.
  • Progress of the future.
  • Progress of history.
  • Reasoned compromise.
  • Reconciliation of adversaries cooperating together in a spirit of friendship and goodwill.
  • Redemption and reconciliation.
  • Resistance to evil.
  • Settling differences.
  • Social change.
  • Social and interpersonal change.
  • Social uplift.
  • Standards of human decency.
  • Steps for social change — Information gathering, education, personal commitment, discussion/negotiation, direct action, reconciliation.
  • Suffering — Unearned suffering is redemptive.
  • Suffering can educate and transform.
  • The Beloved Community.
  • The aftermath of nonviolence is the creation of the Beloved Community.
  • The aftermath of nonviolence is reconciliation.
  • The aftermath of nonviolence is redemption.
  • The purpose of nonviolence is the creation of the Beloved Community.
  • The nonviolent resister has deep faith that justice will eventually win.
  • The way of nonviolence leads to redemption and the creation of the beloved community.
  • Three kinds of love: eros (romantic), philia (friends), and agape (goodwill for all).
  • Transform the deep gloom of the old age into the exuberant gladness of the new age.
  • Truly brotherly society.
  • Unconditional love.
  • Unearned suffering is redemptive.
  • Universal peace and brotherhood.
  • Universe is on the side of justice.
  • Unshakable commitment to nonviolence.
  • Vital information from all sides of an argument or issue.
  • War against poverty.
  • Wisdom, justice, and love.
  • Work for justice.
  • World war against poverty.

Non-values — qualities to avoid, mitigate, and resolve:

  • Apartheid.
  • Anti-Semitism.
  • Arrogant assertion.
  • Barriers to our living in the Beloved Community.
  • Bigotry and prejudice.
  • Bitterness.
  • Child abuse.
  • Contempt for life.
  • Cycle of retributive violence.
  • Cycle of revenge and retaliation.
  • Deprivation.
  • Dogma.
  • Domestic violence.
  • Estrangement.
  • Ethnic conflict.
  • Fear and hatred.
  • Genocide.
  • Hidden motives.
  • Homelessness.
  • Homicide.
  • Homophobia.
  • Human trafficking.
  • Hunger.
  • Illiteracy.
  • Infant mortality.
  • Injustice anywhere.
  • Kneel in submission.
  • Malnutrition.
  • Media violence.
  • Militarism.
  • Military conflict.
  • Moral and spiritual suicide.
  • Oppressive policies.
  • Poverty and deprivation.
  • Prejudice.
  • Racism.
  • Rape.
  • Retributive violence.
  • Revenge and retaliation.
  • Segregation.
  • Slums.
  • Spiritual death.
  • Spiritual suicide.
  • Stereotypes.
  • Submission.
  • The way of violence leads to bitterness in the survivors and brutality in the destroyers.
  • Triple Evils of MLK — Militarism — war, imperialism, domestic violence, rape, terrorism, human trafficking, media violence, drugs, child abuse, violent crime.
  • Triple Evils of MLK — Poverty — unemployment, homelessness, hunger, malnutrition, illiteracy, infant mortality, slums.
  • Triple Evils of MLK — Racism — prejudice, apartheid, segregation, discrimination, ethnic conflict, anti-Semitism, sexism, colonialism, homophobia, ageism, discrimination against disabled groups, stereotypes.
  • Unemployment.
  • Vicious cycles.
  • Violent crime.
  • War and military conflict.

Democratic National Committee (DNC)


  • All people are created equal.
  • Inclusion.
  • Tolerance.
  • Reach their God-given potential.
  • Live in freedom and dignity.
  • Promote peacebuilding.
  • Protect democracy.
  • Champion human rights defenders.
  • Safeguard vulnerable minorities, including LGBT people and people with disabilities.

“Protect Our Values”:

  • Women and Girls
  • Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender People
  • Trafficking and Modern Slavery
  • Young People
  • Religious Minorities
  • Refugees
  • Civil Society
  • Anti-Corruption
  • Torture
  • Closing Guantánamo Bay
  • Development Assistance
  • Global Health
  • HIV and AIDS
  • International Labor


Four commonly expressed values (no particular source):

  • Law and order.
  • Open markets.
  • Limited government.
  • Personal responsibility.

Republican National Committee (RNC/GOP)


  • Country is exceptional.
  • Constitution should be honored, valued, and upheld.
  • Leaders should serve people, not special interests.
  • Families and communities should be strong and free from government intrusion.
  • Institution of traditional marriage is the foundation of society.
  • Government should be smaller, smarter and more efficient.
  • Health care decisions should be made by us and our doctors.
  • Paychecks should not be wasted on poorly run government programs.
  • Military must be strong and prepared to defend our shores.
  • Culture should respect and protect life.
  • Children should never be left in failing schools.
  • Veterans should have the best care and opportunities in the world.
  • Social programs should help lift people out of poverty.
  • America should be energy independent.

Additional value-oriented principles from the text of the platform:

  • We reaffirm the Constitution’s fundamental principles: limited government, separation of powers, individual liberty, and the rule of law.
  • Constitutionally Protected Speech.
  • Our Right to Keep and Bear Arms.
  • Liberty and Privacy.
  • Protecting Human Life. We assert the sanctity of human life and affirm that the unborn child has a fundamental right to life which cannot be infringed.
  • Protecting Private Property.
  • Intellectual Property Rights.
  • The People’s Retained Rights.
  • Federalism as the Foundation of Personal Liberty.
  • Honest Elections and the Right to Vote.
  • Honest Elections and the Electoral College. We oppose the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact and any other scheme to abolish or distort the procedures of the Electoral College.
  • We are the party of independent individuals and the institutions they create together — families, schools, congregations, neighborhoods — to advance their ideals and make real their dreams.
  • Those institutions, standing between the citizen and the power of government, are the pillars of a free society.
  • They create spaces where the power of government should not intrude.
  • They allow Americans to work together to solve most of the problems facing their communities.
  • They thus reduce the need for intervention by government in the form of more and bigger programs or a larger public workforce.
  • They minimize decision-making by those who hold or are appointed to office.
  • An expansive federal regime has marginalized and supplanted the institutions holding our society together.
  • The question is whether we are going to reinvigorate the private-sector institutions under citizen control or allow their continued erosion by the forces of centralized social planning.
  • Marriage, Family, and Society — Foremost among those institutions is the American family. It is the foundation of civil society, and the cornerstone of the family is natural marriage, the union of one man and one woman.
  • Cooperation, patience, mutual respect, responsibility, self-reliance — are fundamental to the order and progress of our Republic.
  • Strong families, depending upon God and one another, advance the cause of liberty by lessening the need for government in their daily lives.
  • The loss of faith and family life leads to greater dependence upon government.
  • We oppose policies and laws that create a financial incentive for or encourage cohabitation.
  • Marriage remains the greatest antidote to child poverty.
  • Every child deserves a married mom and dad.
  • We oppose government discrimination against businesses or entities which decline to sell items or services to individuals for activities that go against their religious views about such activities.
  • Families formed or enlarged by adoption strengthen our communities and ennoble our nation. Private entities which facilitate adoptions enrich our communities.
  • We urge marriage penalties to be removed from the tax code and public assistance programs.
  • We invite all who care about children to join us in this proposal to ensure that all federal programs, in the words of President Kennedy, “stress the integrity and preservation of the family unit.”
  • Republicans propose to evaluate a poverty program by whether it actually reduces poverty and increases the personal independence of its participants.
  • We propose instead the dynamic compassion of work requirements in a growing economy, where opportunity takes the place of a hand-out, where true self-esteem can grow from the satisfaction of a job well done.
  • We will continue our fight for school choice until all parents can find good, safe schools for their children.
  • To protect religious liberty we will ensure that faith-based institutions, especially those that are vital parts of underserved neighborhoods, do not face discrimination by government.
  • We propose new partnerships between those who manage federal programs and those who are on the front lines of fighting poverty on the ground.
  • Education: A Chance for Every Child
  • Education is much more than schooling. It is the whole range of activities by which families and communities transmit to a younger generation, not just knowledge and skills, but ethical and behavioral norms and traditions. It is the handing over of a cultural identity.
  • Parents are a child’s first and foremost educators, and have primary responsibility for the education of their children.
  • Parents have a right to direct their children’s education, care, and upbringing.
  • We support a constitutional amendment to protect that right from interference by states, the federal government, or international bodies such as the United Nations.
  • We reject a one-size-fits-all approach to education and support a broad range of choices for parents and children at the state and local level.
  • Education reform movement calls for choice-based, parent-driven accountability at every stage of schooling.
  • It affirms higher expectations for all students and rejects the crippling bigotry of low expectations.
  • It recognizes the wisdom of local control of our schools and it wisely sees consumer rights in education — choice — as the most important driving force for renewing education.
  • It rejects excessive testing and “teaching to the test” and supports the need for strong assessments to serve as a tool so teachers can tailor teaching to meet student needs.
  • America’s great teachers, who should be protected against frivolous lawsuits and should be able to take reasonable actions to maintain discipline and order in the classroom.
  • Administrators need flexibility to innovate and to hold accountable all those responsible for student performance.
  • A good understanding of the Bible being indispensable for the development of an educated citizenry, we encourage state legislatures to offer the Bible in a literature curriculum as an elective in America’s high schools.
  • We urge school districts to make use of teaching talent in the business community, STEM fields, and the military, especially among our returning veterans.
  • Rigid tenure systems should be replaced with a merit-based approach in order to attract the best talent to the classroom.
  • All personnel who interact with school children should pass background checks and be held to the highest standards of personal conduct.
  • Maintaining American preeminence requires a world-class system of education in which all students can reach their potential.
  • Choice in Education
  • We support options for learning, including home-schooling, career and technical education, private or parochial schools, magnet schools, charter schools, online learning, and early-college high schools.
  • We especially support the innovative financing mechanisms that make options available to all children: education savings accounts (ESAs), vouchers, and tuition tax credits.
  • Empowering families to access the learning environments that will best help their children to realize their full potential is one of the greatest civil rights challenges of our time.
  • We support the English First approach and oppose divisive programs that limit students’ ability to advance in American society.
  • We renew our call for replacing “family planning” programs for teens with sexual risk avoidance education that sets abstinence until marriage as the responsible and respected standard of behavior.
  • Protecting Individual Conscience in Healthcare — America’s healthcare professionals should not be forced to choose between following their faith and practicing their profession. We respect the rights of conscience of healthcare professionals, doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and organizations, especially the faith-based groups which provide a major portion of care for the nation and the needy.
  • We recommit ourselves, as individuals and as a party, to the rule of law and the pursuit of justice.
  • The constitutionality of the death penalty is firmly settled by its explicit mention in the Fifth Amendment. With the murder rate soaring in our great cities, we condemn the Supreme Court’s erosion of the right of the people to enact capital punishment in their states.
  • America: The Indispensable Nation.
  • Our Unequivocal Support for Israel.
  • U.S. Leadership in the Asian Pacific.
  • Renewing the European Alliance.
  • Our future is intimately tied to the future of the Americas. Family, language, culture, environment, and trade link us closely with both Canada and Mexico.
  • We express our solidarity with all the peoples of the Western Hemisphere.
  • We recognize Africa’s extraordinary potential.
  • Sovereign American Leadership in International Organizations.
  • Defending International Religious Freedom.
  • America’s Generosity: International Assistance that Makes a Difference — Foreign aid must serve America’s interests first.
  • Advancing Human Rights.

Shared values:

  • Democracy
  • Human rights
  • Free market economy
  • Rule of law

“We salute the people of Taiwan, with whom we share the values of democracy, human rights, a free market economy, and the rule of law.”

Log Cabin Republicans values

“The nation’s original and largest organization representing gay conservatives and allies who support fairness, freedom, and equality for all Americans.”


  • Limited government / Smaller government.
  • Strong national defense.
  • Free markets.
  • Low taxes.
  • Personal responsibility.
  • Individual liberty / Personal freedom.
  • This nation’s greatness.
  • All Americans have the right to liberty and equality.
  • Equality for LGBT Americans.
  • Inclusion wins.
  • Opposing gay and lesbian equality is inconsistent with the GOP’s core principles of smaller government and personal freedom.

Core Democratic Party values

A user going by the handle banana7 on the Daily Kos web site suggests the following six core values of the Democratic Party:

  • Democrats represent the working class over special interests and moneyed elites.
  • Democrats believe health care is an economic and moral right.
  • Democrats believe education, including college, is an economic right.
  • Democrats believe that protecting the environment is essential to our future.
  • Democrats advocate peace over military intervention, always.
  • Democrats protect the civil liberties of all Americans, and especially stand up for the marginalized.


Not that this particular individual speaks for the entire Democratic Party or that these value are in any way inconsistent with Democratic Party principles, but it illustrates the problematic nature of values that are not clearly articulated and fully enumerated in a consistent manner.

American Values Project Progressive values

The American Values Project was founded 2011 to produce a detailed handbook for Progressives on progressive values, beliefs, and positions.



Their list of values is quite brief:

  • Freedom
  • Opportunity
  • Responsibility
  • Cooperation

But they also seem to be describing values in their lists of beliefs, issues, and vision.

Progressive beliefs:

  • Both private enterprise and government are essential for creating individual opportunity and growth.
  • Our economy should work for everyone, not just the few.
  • Inequality and environmental degradation harm us all.
  • Global solutions are required for global problems.

Progressive issues:

  • Jobs
  • Tax Reform
  • Financial and Environmental Regulation
  • Health Care
  • Education
  • Climate Change
  • Immigration
  • Reproductive Rights
  • Diplomacy

Progressive vision:

  • Steadily improving living standards and life chances for everyone.
  • Safe, clean, and healthy communities.
  • A government that works for all people.
  • Economic growth with widely shared prosperity.

Bernie Sanders family values


  • Paid family leave.
  • Paid sick leave.
  • Paid vacation.

Platform of the North Dakota Republican Party


  • Individual liberty.
  • Personal responsibility.
  • Limited government.
  • Peace through strength and the rule of law.
  • Lower taxes.
  • Right to bear arms.
  • Family integrity and the American moral tradition.
  • Quality education.
  • Legislative integrity.

Platform of the Republican Party of New Hampshire


“We believe…”:

  • Dedication to preserving freedom, limited government and unlimited opportunity for all.
  • All people are created equal, endowed by our Creator with the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, unimpeded by intrusive government regulation and control.
  • The New Hampshire and United States Constitutions were written by our forefathers to limit our government, not our freedom.
  • Individual liberty is guaranteed under the Constitutions of the United States and New Hampshire.
  • The liberty of the people must be protected above the power of the government.
  • Religious freedom deserves to be protected.
  • Law-abiding citizens of the United States of America have a right to protect and defend their lives, their families and their property without government infringement.
  • Free people, free markets, and free enterprise.
  • Happiness and success are the result of individual effort, hard work and dedication to a purpose.
  • Economies flourish when all people retain as much of their hard earned income as possible, to spend and invest as they see fit.
  • Government has a moral obligation to the people to be as cost effective as possible, to always limit spending and growth of government, and to cut spending and cost of government at every possible turn.
  • A strong national defense is necessary to preserve freedom and opportunity in America.
  • We believe that secure national borders are an integral part of a strong national defense.
  • Freedom can exist only in a nation that is willing to defend it.
  • Life is sacred, from conception to natural death and that we cannot diminish the value of one category of human life without diminishing the value of all human life.
  • Traditional families are the foundation of strong communities, and that family life best nurtures love of country, faith in God, morality and concern for others.
  • We the people are strongest when we stand together, that it is our responsibility to hold government accountable and that it is through the integrity of the ballot box that we do so.
  • Every child is filled with potential and is unique in their own right; as such we believe there is no one-size-fits-all education solution; we support expanded education choices, including but not limited to: education tax credits, charter schools, and home schooling. We believe in local educational control, beginning with parents, teachers and principals.
  • Acquiring, possessing and protecting property is a natural, essential and inherent right.
  • Remain dedicated to maintaining a limited, affordable government, to lead with integrity, character and compassion, and to forever defend the freedom that has made the United States of America a beacon of hope for all people.

Conservative values from Conservapedia


  • Placing ideas and principles above personal desire, weaknesses, fears and regrets.
  • A never-ending quest for the truth, despite obstacles based on emotion and personal experience, and spreading such truths for the benefit of all.
  • Recognizing and utilizing the benefits of competition and hard work.
  • Emphasizing charity, with its unexpected benefits, rather than compulsory tax-and-spend programs.
  • Teaching self-help rather than dependence on government and others.
  • A devotion to the principle of justice.
  • Supporting self-defense.
  • Recognizing the media for its bias, bullying, deception.
  • Frugality and efficiency.
  • Rejecting the deification of government officials.
  • Giving those in authority due respect, but not to the point of accepting orders or assertions that are contrary to logic or morality.
  • Downplaying significance of wealth, disparities in wealth, and materialism in general.
  • Emphasizing self-reliance and being able to keep the fruits of one’s labor.
  • Not complaining, and instead taking practical action to improve one’s situation.
  • Emphasizing self-restraint against hurtful activities.
  • Emphasizing humility and open-mindedness instead of arrogant certainty about one’s own views.
  • Recognizing the power of the free market.
  • Understanding that a rising tide lifts all boats, e.G. Tax cuts benefit all.
  • Self-control as opposed to a self-indulgent search for instant gratification of desires.
  • Recognizing that evil does exist in the world, and making an effort to combat this force by whatever means necessary.
  • Respecting the sanctity of life.
  • Following Christian principles.

Conservative Republicans of South Johnson County


  • Limited government.
  • Fiscal responsibility.
  • Low taxes.
  • Traditional values.
  • Respect for life.
  • Law and order.
  • Ethical government.
  • Personal responsibility.
  • Strong national defense.
  • Patriotism.

Green party


  • Grassroots Democracy.
  • Social Justice And Equal Opportunity.
  • Ecological Wisdom.
  • Non-Violence.
  • Decentralization.
  • Community-Based Economics.
  • Feminism And Gender Equity.
  • Respect For Diversity.
  • Personal And Global Responsibility.
  • Future Focus And Sustainability.

Democratic Socialists of America


  • Democracy.
  • Liberty.
  • Equality.
  • Solidarity.
  • Gender and sexuality equality.
  • Racial equality.
  • Mutual respect.
  • Enhancement of human dignity.
  • Democratic community.
  • Quality education.
  • Job training.
  • Social services.
  • Meaningful work for all.
  • Leaving the provision of such common needs to the private marketplace guarantees a starkly inegalitarian class system of access to opportunity.
  • Political institutions based on one voice, one vote.
  • Elimination of the pernicious and corrupting influence of corporate money from public political deliberation.
  • Popular participation at every level of decision-making.
  • Equal access to information.
  • Increased democratic — and not corporate — control over public policy.
  • Decentralized, democratic institutions wherever possible in the workplaces, neighborhoods, and schools.
  • Commitment to a vibrant pluralist life.
  • Need for a democratic, responsive, and representative government to regulate the market, protect the environment, and ensure a basic level of equality and equity for each citizen.
  • Freedom of speech that does not recoil from dissent.
  • Freedom to organize independent trade unions, women’s groups, political parties, and other social movements.
  • Freedom of religion and conscience that acknowledges the rights of those for whom spiritual concerns are central and the rights of those who reject organized religion.
  • Ensuring that any market is the servant of the public good and not its master.
  • Social ownership characteristic of a socialist society will greatly limit inequality.
  • Widespread worker and public ownership will greatly lessen the corrosive effect of capitalists markets on people’s lives.
  • Social need will outrank narrow profitability as the measure of success for our economic life.
  • Committed to the development of social movements dedicated to ending any and all forms of noneconomic domination.
  • Humanity’s connection to our environment
  • An increasing recognition of intersection between economics, environment and gender equality.
  • The resources needed to sustain U.S. dominance are a drain on the national economy, particularly the most neglected and underdeveloped sectors. Nowhere is a struggle against militarism more pressing than in the United States, where the military budget bleeds the public sector of much needed funds for social programs.
  • No country, even a superpower like the United States, can guarantee peace and stability, never mind justice. Only a genuinely multinational armed force can intervene in violent conflicts to enforce generally accepted standards of human rights and democratic practices.
  • Enforcement of international standards.
  • Treaties on human rights, international labor standards, women’s rights, environmental protection have all been ratified by many nations (albeit generally not by the US). Enforcement remains problematic.
  • New international regulatory bodies must ensure that the interests of all the world’s people are protected with the power to tax transnational corporations that can now escape national taxes.
  • Economic democracy — the direct ownership and/or control of much of the economic resources of society by the great majority of wage and income earners.
  • Global Justice.
  • Social Redistribution.

Department of Defense


  • Duty
  • Integrity
  • Ethics
  • Honor
  • Courage
  • Loyalty

Air Force


  • Integrity first
  • Service before self
  • Excellence in all we do



  • Loyalty
  • Duty
  • Respect
  • Selfless service
  • Honor
  • Integrity
  • Personal courage

Coast Guard


  • Honor
  • Respect
  • Devotion to duty

Marine Corps


  • Honor
  • Courage
  • Commitment



  • Honor
  • Courage
  • Commitment

Yes, the Marine Corps and Navy values are identical.

U.S. Department of State and USAID core values


  • Loyalty: Commitment to the United States and the American people.
  • Character: Maintenance of the highest ethical standards and integrity.
  • Service: Excellence in the formulation of policy and program management with room for creative dissent. Implementation of policy and management practices, regardless of personal views.
  • Accountability: Responsibility for meeting the highest performance standards.
  • Community: Dedication to teamwork, professionalism, diversity, and the customer perspective.

United Nations Charter


  • Fundamental human rights.
  • Dignity and worth of the human person.
  • Equal rights of men and women.
  • Equal rights of nations large and small.
  • Promote social progress and better standards of life.
  • Practice tolerance and live together in peace with one another as good neighbours.
  • Unite our strength to maintain international peace and security.
  • Armed force shall not be used, save in the common interest.
  • Economic and social advancement of all peoples.

United Nations Millennium Declaration


“fundamental values to be essential to international relations in the twenty-first century”:

  • Freedom
  • Equality
  • Solidarity
  • Tolerance
  • Respect for nature
  • Shared responsibility

Universal Declaration of Human Rights


  • Inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family.
  • A world in which human beings shall enjoy freedom of speech and belief and freedom from fear and want has been proclaimed as the highest aspiration of the common people.
  • [it is essential, if man is not to be compelled to have] Recourse, as a last resort, to rebellion against tyranny and oppression.
  • Human rights should be protected by the rule of law.
  • Promote the development of friendly relations between nations.
  • Fundamental human rights.
  • The dignity and worth of the human person.
  • The equal rights of men and women.
  • Promote social progress and better standards of life.
  • Promotion of universal respect for and observance of human rights and fundamental freedoms.
  • All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.
  • They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
  • Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.
  • Right to life, liberty and security of person.
  • No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms.
  • No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
  • Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law.
  • All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination.
  • Everyone has the right to an effective remedy by the competent national tribunals for acts violating the fundamental rights granted him by the constitution or by law.
  • No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile.
  • Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal, in the determination of his rights and obligations and of any criminal charge against him.
  • Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defence.
  • No one shall be held guilty of any penal offence on account of any act or omission which did not constitute a penal offence, under national or international law, at the time when it was committed. Nor shall a heavier penalty be imposed than the one that was applicable at the time the penal offence was committed.
  • No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks.
  • Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state.
  • Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country.
  • Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution. This right may not be invoked in the case of prosecutions genuinely arising from non-political crimes or from acts contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.
  • Everyone has the right to a nationality. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his nationality nor denied the right to change his nationality.
  • Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family. They are entitled to equal rights as to marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution. Marriage shall be entered into only with the free and full consent of the intending spouses.
  • The family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to protection by society and the State.
  • Everyone has the right to own property alone as well as in association with others. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property.
  • Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.
  • Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.
  • Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association.
  • No one may be compelled to belong to an association.
  • Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country, directly or through freely chosen representatives.
  • Everyone has the right of equal access to public service in his country.
  • The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government; this will shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections which shall be by universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by secret vote or by equivalent free voting procedures.
  • Everyone, as a member of society, has the right to social security and is entitled to realization, through national effort and international co-operation and in accordance with the organization and resources of each State, of the economic, social and cultural rights indispensable for his dignity and the free development of his personality.
  • Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favourable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment.
  • Everyone, without any discrimination, has the right to equal pay for equal work.
  • Everyone who works has the right to just and favourable remuneration ensuring for himself and his family an existence worthy of human dignity, and supplemented, if necessary, by other means of social protection.
  • Everyone has the right to form and to join trade unions for the protection of his interests.
  • Everyone has the right to rest and leisure, including reasonable limitation of working hours and periodic holidays with pay.
  • Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.
  • Motherhood and childhood are entitled to special care and assistance. All children, whether born in or out of wedlock, shall enjoy the same social protection.
  • Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages. Elementary education shall be compulsory. Technical and professional education shall be made generally available and higher education shall be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit.
  • Education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. It shall promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations, racial or religious groups, and shall further the activities of the United Nations for the maintenance of peace.
  • Parents have a prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children.
  • Everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits.
  • Everyone has the right to the protection of the moral and material interests resulting from any scientific, literary or artistic production of which he is the author.
  • Everyone is entitled to a social and international order in which the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration can be fully realized.
  • Everyone has duties to the community in which alone the free and full development of his personality is possible.
  • In the exercise of his rights and freedoms, everyone shall be subject only to such limitations as are determined by law solely for the purpose of securing due recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others and of meeting the just requirements of morality, public order and the general welfare in a democratic society.
  • These rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.
  • Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as implying for any State, group or person any right to engage in any activity or to perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms set forth herein.

National Democratic Institute (NDI) democratic values


  • Transparency
  • Representation
  • Pluralism
  • Accountability

International Republican Institute (IRI)


  • Accountability — Personal responsibility.
  • Excellence — Quality, Investing in people.
  • Freedom — Exploration, Experimentation, Agile, Responsive.
  • Respect — Trust, Empathy, Empowering people.
  • Teamwork — Diversity, Inclusion, Global collaboration.
  • Transparency — Open communication, Clear decision-making.

District of Columbia values

The Washington, D.C. Playbook lists these values.


  • Respecting the free exercise of religion and love.
  • Serving all DC residents no matter their immigration status.
  • Reforming our criminal justice system and providing second chances.
  • Accelerating school reforms that give all children, in every ward, the opportunity to thrive.
  • Empowering women and girls and investing in their education, healthcare and aspirations.
  • Upholding the belief that safe and affordable housing and access to healthcare are critical building blocks on the pathway to the middle class.
  • Protecting the environment and fighting against climate change.
  • Gaining full access to our country’s democracy through statehood.

James Clear core values

James Clear is an author who writes about habits and human potential. He has a suggested list of core values and advises us to select less than five core values, saying that “if everything is a core value, then nothing is really a priority.”


  • Authenticity
  • Achievement
  • Adventure
  • Authority
  • Autonomy
  • Balance
  • Beauty
  • Boldness
  • Compassion
  • Challenge
  • Citizenship
  • Community
  • Competency
  • Contribution
  • Creativity
  • Curiosity
  • Determination
  • Fairness
  • Faith
  • Fame
  • Friendships
  • Fun
  • Growth
  • Happiness
  • Honesty
  • Humor
  • Influence
  • Inner Harmony
  • Justice
  • Kindness
  • Knowledge
  • Leadership
  • Learning
  • Love
  • Loyalty
  • Meaningful Work
  • Openness
  • Optimism
  • Peace
  • Pleasure
  • Poise
  • Popularity
  • Recognition
  • Religion
  • Reputation
  • Respect
  • Responsibility
  • Security
  • Self-Respect
  • Service
  • Spirituality
  • Stability
  • Success
  • Status
  • Trustworthiness
  • Wealth
  • Wisdom

He reports his personal core values of previous years:

2016 core values:

  • Growth
  • Self-Respect
  • Grit
  • Contribution

2015 core values:

  • Growth (Learning, Adventure, Habits)
  • Self-Respect (Authenticity, Balance, Happiness)
  • Resiliency (Strength, Preparedness, Toughness)
  • Servant Leadership (Contribution, Dependability, Generosity)

2014 core values:

  • Growth (Learning, Adventure, and Taking Action)
  • Self-Respect (Authenticity, Balance, Happiness)
  • Servant Leadership (Community, Happiness, Responsibility)
  • Resiliency (Grit, Toughness, Perseverance)

Alt Right values

No intended endorsement here! Alt Right values have been described by the Anti-Defamation League as part of their anti-hate efforts.


  • Extremists.
  • Reject mainstream conservatism.
  • Implicit or explicit racism.
  • White supremacy.
  • Support racism and anti-Semitism.
  • White identity.
  • Advocating for the interests of white people as a group.
  • Race-infused brand of extreme conservatism.
  • Intolerance.
  • Preserving the ethnic and cultural origins.
  • The preservation of our identity — the cultural and genetic heritage that makes us who we are.
  • Identitarians reject multiculturalism or pluralism in any form.
  • Preserve the white majority in the U.S.
  • Blame Jews for allegedly promoting anti-white policies such as immigration and diversity.
  • Alleged intellectual and cultural superiority of whites.
  • “14 words” refers to the expression, “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.”
  • Preserving European-American identity.

Catholic values today


  • Respect for Human Dignity.
  • Respect for Creation and the Environment .
  • Love.
  • Justice.
  • Care and Compassion .
  • Service.
  • Forgiveness.
  • Peace.
  • Faithfulness.
  • Honesty and Integrity.

Catholic Morals & Values


  • The Ten Commandments.
  • Family & Community.
  • Sexuality and Moral Instruction.
  • Human Dignity & Charity Work.

10 Christian Values Every Kid Should Know by Donna J. Habenicht


  • Faith in God.
  • Respect.
  • Responsibility.
  • Self-control and Moderation.
  • Honesty and Integrity.
  • Kindness and Compassion.
  • Contentment and Thankfulness.
  • Patience and Perseverance.
  • Peace and Humility.
  • Loyalty and Commitment.

What Does the Bible Say About Christian Values and Christian Life?


  • Worship Only God.
  • Respect All People.
  • Be Humble.
  • Be Honest.
  • Live a Moral Life.
  • Be Generous with Time and Money.
  • Practice what you Preach; Don’t be a Hypocrite.
  • Don’t Be Self-righteous.
  • Don’t Hold a Grudge.
  • Forgive Others.

Christian Values from Wikipedia


  • Love of God.
  • Fidelity in marriage.
  • Renunciation of worldly goods.
  • Renunciation of violence.
  • Forgiveness of sins.
  • Unconditional love.

Christian Values from


  • Keep God’s 10 Commandments.
  • We are to love God with all our hearts.
  • Love our neighbors as ourselves.
  • Have faith and trust in God.
  • Humble ourselves as little children.
  • Do good works.
  • Cultivate spiritual gifts to serve others.
  • Seek God’s righteousness.
  • Live at peace with others.
  • This is just a sampling of the many Christian values we can find in the pages of the Bible.

Eight Core Christian Values from Evangelical Alliance


  • Grace
  • Hope
  • Faith
  • Love
  • Justice
  • Joy
  • Service
  • Peace



  • Lead a righteous life.
  • Kindness to the needy.
  • Benevolence.
  • Faith.
  • Compassion for the suffering.
  • Peace-loving disposition.
  • Truly humble and contrite spirit.
  • Civic loyalty.
  • Learn to do good.
  • Golden rule: What is hateful to you, do not do unto others.
  • “Whatever you hate to have done unto you, do not do to your neighbor; wherefore do not hurt him; do not speak ill of him; do not reveal his secrets to others; let his honor and his property be as dear to thee as thine own.”
  • Ten Commandments.
  • Evil-speaking is a sin.
  • Putting one’s fellow man to shame is in the same category as murder.
  • Calumny is forbidden — the spreading of evil reports, even when true.
  • Listening to slanderous gossip is forbidden.
  • Causing suspicion is forbidden.
  • Provoking unfavorable remarks about a neighbor is forbidden.
  • Reverence for parents.
  • Orthodox: Father as the head of the family.
  • Liberal: Mother and father as equal in all things.
  • Mother entitled to honor and respect at the hands of sons and daughters.
  • Central role of the family.
  • Social role of the family.
  • Role of the family in transmitting the traditions of the religion.
  • Close and respectful family relationships.
  • Care for both the elderly and young.
  • Observance is an integral part of home life, including the weekly Sabbath and keeping kosher dietary laws.
  • Parents must teach their children a trade and survival skills.
  • Children must look after their parents.
  • Celibacy is regarded as contrary to the injunction to be fruitful and multiply.
  • Sex is not considered acceptable outside marriage, but it is an important part of the love and care shown between partners.
  • Sexual relations are forbidden during the time of the woman’s period.
  • Adultery and incestual relationships are prohibited.
  • Orthodox Jews view male homosexuality as explicitly prohibited by the Torah, but other Jews view various forms of homosexual behavior or all forms of homosexual behavior as permitted by the tradition.
  • Jewish medical ethics and bioethics — use Jewish law and tradition and Jewish ethical thought to determine which medical treatments or technological innovations are moral, when treatments may or may not be used, etc.
  • Ethics of proper governance is the subject of much contention among Jews.
  • Jewish war ethics are developed by Maimonides in his “Laws of Kings and their Wars,” part of his Mishneh Torah.
  • Modern Jewish war ethics have been developed especially in relationship to the Israeli military’s doctrine of Purity of arms.
  • The Talmud approves of the death penalty in principle but the standard of proof required for application of death penalty is extremely stringent, so that situations in which a death sentence could be passed are effectively impossible.
  • The non-Jew is within the covenant of ethical considerations — “You shall love him as yourself”; “thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.”
  • During Passover, Jews are expected to show hospitality to all, and to consider the needs and feelings of anyone who may be marginalized, for whatever reason.
  • Non-Jews are to have a share in all the benevolent work of a township which appeals to human sympathy and on which the maintenance of peace among men depends, such as supporting the poor, burying the dead, comforting the mourners, and visiting the sick.
  • Most Jews do not actively seek to convert non-Jews to Judaism; in fact conversion to Judaism can be a lengthy and difficult process. They cannot actively approve of religions that appear to promote idolatry or immorality.
  • Jews believe that non-Jews who follow the Noachide code, the minimum ethical and religious requirements for all non-Jews, will be equally recognized by God.
  • The laws of the Noachide code are: do not engage in idolatry; do not engage in blasphemy; do not murder; do not steal; do not commit acts of sexual immorality; do not cause excessive pain to animals (e.g. eating a limb torn from a living animal); and establish courts of justice.
  • Animals have a right to be treated well, even ones that might belong to one’s enemy.
  • Sabbath as a day of rest — Shabbat is a festive day when Jews exercise their freedom from the regular labors of everyday life. It offers an opportunity to contemplate the spiritual aspects of life and to spend time with family.
  • Sabbath is also meant to provide rest for working animals.
  • God gave people control over the animals and earth.
  • People were put in the world to maintain it and care for it.
  • Wasting or destroying anything on earth is wrong.
  • Pollution is an insult to the created world.
  • immoral to put commercial concerns before care for God’s creation.
  • Moral decisions about environmental issues have to take account of the well-being of humans.
  • “The world rests on three things: justice, truth, and peace.”
  • Stealing and oppression are forbidden.
  • Falsehood, flattery, perjury and false swearing are forbidden.
  • Reputation of a fellow man is sacred.
  • Tale-bearing and unkind insinuations are forbidden.
  • Hatred of one’s brother in one’s heart is forbidden.
  • Revengeful, relentless disposition is unethical.
  • Reverence for old age.
  • Justice shall be done.
  • Right weight and just measure are demanded.
  • Poverty and riches shall not be regarded by the judge.
  • Peace.
  • Promote peace in the world.
  • Service to God.
  • Showing loving-kindness.
  • Compassion.
  • Cruelty is forbidden.
  • Widows, orphans, and strangers should be protected.
  • Friendship.
  • Respectful burial, even for unclaimed dead.
  • Self-respect.
  • Self-abasement is forbidden.
  • Real life goes beyond the concept of breathing and having blood flow through our veins, it means existing with a purpose and connecting to God and others.
  • Business ethics.
  • Taking advantage of a man’s ignorance is forbidden, whether he be Jew or Gentile.
  • Fraudulent dealing, gain obtained by betting or gambling or by raising the price of breadstuffs through speculation, is theft.
  • Advantages derived from loans of money or of victuals are usury.
  • Breach of promise in commerce is a sin provoking God’s punishment.
  • Acts of carelessness which expose men or things to danger and damage are culpable transgressions.
  • Righteousness gives the owner of property no right to withhold from the poor their share.
  • Giving charity that will allow the poor to break out of the poverty cycle and become independent and productive members of society.
  • Tithing of income to support those in need — but neither too much nor too little.

Core Islamic Beliefs: Six Articles of Faith from


  • Belief in One God.
  • Belief in Angels.
  • Belief in Prophets of God.
  • Belief in Revealed Books of God.
  • Belief in Day of Judgment.
  • Belief in Destiny and Divine Decree.

What are the core values of Islam? from


  • Sincerity
  • Justice
  • Knowledge
  • Gratitude
  • Patience
  • Selflessness



  • Reincarnation — cycle of rebirth.
  • Liberation — nirvana.
  • Karma.

Basic Teachings of Buddha which are core to Buddhism:

  • The Three Universal Truths;
  • The Four Noble Truths; and
  • The Noble Eightfold Path.

The Three Universal Truths:

  1. Nothing is lost in the universe.
  2. Everything Changes.
  3. The Law of Cause and Effect .

The three trainings or practices:

  1. Sila: Virtue, good conduct, morality. This is based on two fundamental principles: The principle of equality: that all living entities are equal. The principle of reciprocity: This is the “Golden Rule” in Christianity — to do unto others as you would wish them to do unto you. It is found in all major religions.
  2. Samadhi: Concentration, meditation, mental development. Developing one’s mind is the path to wisdom which, in turn, leads to personal freedom. Mental development also strengthens and controls our mind; this helps us maintain good conduct.
  3. Prajna: Discernment, insight, wisdom, enlightenment. This is the real heart of Buddhism. Wisdom will emerge if your mind is pure and calm.

The Four Noble Truths:

  1. Dukkha: Suffering exists: Life is suffering. Suffering is real and almost universal. Suffering has many causes: loss, sickness, pain, failure, and the impermanence of pleasure.
  2. Samudaya: There is a cause of suffering. Suffering is due to attachment. It is the desire to have and control things. It can take many forms: craving of sensual pleasures; the desire for fame; the desire to avoid unpleasant sensations, like fear, anger or jealousy.
  3. Nirodha: There is an end to suffering. Attachment can be overcome. Suffering ceases with the final liberation of Nirvana (Nibbana). The mind experiences complete freedom, liberation and non-attachment. It lets go of any desire or craving.
  4. Magga: In order to end suffering, you must follow the Eightfold Path. There is a path for accomplishing this.

The five precepts — rules to live by:

  1. Do not kill. This is sometimes translated as “not harming” or an absence of violence.
  2. Do not steal. This is generally interpreted as including the avoidance of fraud and economic exploitation.
  3. Do not lie. This is sometimes interpreted as including name-calling, gossip, etc.
  4. Do not misuse sex. For monks and nuns, this means any departure from complete celibacy. For the laity, adultery is forbidden, along with any sexual harassment or exploitation, including that within marriage. The Buddha did not discuss consensual premarital sex within a committed relationship, thus, Buddhist traditions differ on this. Most Buddhists, probably influenced by their local cultures, condemn same-sex sexual activity regardless of the nature of the relationship between the people involved.
  5. Do not consume alcohol or other drugs. The main concern here is that intoxicants cloud the mind. Some have included as a drug other methods of divorcing ourselves from reality — e.g. movies, television, and the Internet.

They are somewhat analogous to the second half of the Ten Commandments in Judaism and Christianity — that part of the Decalogue which describes behaviors to avoid. However, they are recommendations, not commandments. Believers are expected to use their own intelligence in deciding exactly how to apply these rules.

Those preparing for monastic life or who are not within a family are expected to avoid an additional five activities:

  1. Taking untimely meals.
  2. Dancing, singing, music, watching grotesque mime.
  3. Use of garlands, perfumes and personal adornment.
  4. Use of high seats.
  5. Accepting gold or silver.

The Noble Eightfold Path:

Panna: Discernment, wisdom:

  1. Samma ditthi: Right Understanding of the Four Noble Truths. Right View is the true understanding of the four noble truths.
  2. Samma sankappa: Right thinking; following the right path in life. Right Aspiration is the true desire to free oneself from attachment, ignorance, and hatefulness. These two are referred to as Prajna, or Wisdom.

Sila: Virtue, morality:

  1. (3) Samma vaca: Right speech: No lying, criticism, condemning, gossip, harsh language. Right Speech involves abstaining from lying, gossiping, or hurtful talk.
  2. (4) Samma kammanta: Right conduct or Right Action involves abstaining from hurtful behaviors, such as killing, stealing, and careless sex. These are called the Five Precepts.
  3. (5) Samma ajiva: Right livelihood: Support yourself without harming others. Right Livelihood means making your living in such a way as to avoid dishonesty and hurting others, including animals.

Samadhi: Concentration, meditation:

  1. (6) Samma vayama: Right Effort: Promote good thoughts; conquer evil thoughts. Right Effort is a matter of exerting oneself in regards to the content of one’s mind: Bad qualities should be abandoned and prevented from arising again. Good qualities should be enacted and nurtured.
  2. (7) Samma sati: Right Mindfulness: Become aware of your body, mind and feelings. Right Mindfulness is the focusing of one’s attention on one’s body, feelings, thoughts, and consciousness in such a way as to overcome craving, hatred, and ignorance.
  3. (8) Samma samadhi: Right Concentration: Meditate to achieve a higher state of consciousness. Right Concentration is meditating in such a way as to progressively realize a true understanding of imperfection, impermanence, and non-separateness

Native American values from Northwest Indian Applied Research Institute


  • Personal differences
  • Quietness
  • Patience
  • Open work ethic
  • Mutualism
  • Nonverbal orientation
  • Seeing and listening
  • Time orientation — things happen when they are ready to happen, flexible, unstructured
  • Orientation to present — being rather than becoming
  • Practicality
  • Holistic orientation
  • Spirituality
  • Caution

Native American values from Indian Country Today


  • Honesty and Integrity.
  • Prioritizing Who Is Paid Well For What.
  • Appreciation for Women.
  • Kinship and the Relationship Between All Beings.
  • Respect the natural power that comes from wisdom and the knowledge elders carry forward.
  • Respect the earth mother.
  • Respect the people.
  • Respect is about living in the right way, honoring the earth, the people, and all beings.
  • Natural Law.
  • The Sacredness of Life and Intention.
  • Generosity.
  • Mother Earth.

Four Ancient Native Values that Inspire Mainstream Culture


  • Respect for Nature
  • Inclusion
  • Child Stewardship
  • Vision Quest

Native American Values and Their Impact on Native Culture


  • Spirituality.
  • Love for the land.
  • Respect for the land.
  • Respect for those who inhabit the land.
  • Respect and acknowledgement of the spirits and the elders.
  • Protect Mother Earth and use her resources wisely.
  • Take only what one needs.
  • Generosity.
  • Sharing.
  • Refrain from excessive material accumulation and consumption.
  • Prize the elderly.
  • Daily gratitude — Giving thanks to the Great Spirit for all he has provided.
  • All of life is sacred — the mountains, lakes, plants, animals, and people.
  • Everything and everyone has something to teach and all things have a purpose.
  • No person is above another, everyone is equal.
  • Everything and everyone is connected.
  • Practicing love, honor, gratitude and respect daily will unify us with the planet, its creatures and the Great Spirit.

Values Americans Live By from L. Robert Kohls / The Washington International Center


  • Personal Control over the Environment.
  • Change.
  • Time & Its Control.
  • Equality.
  • Individualism/Privacy.
  • Self-Help.
  • Competition.
  • Future Orientation.
  • Action/Work Orientation.
  • Informality.
  • Directness, Openness, and Honesty.
  • Practicality and Efficiency.
  • Materialism/Acquisitiveness.

Corresponding values in other cultures:

  • Personal Control over the Environment — Fate.
  • Change — Tradition.
  • Time & Its Control — Human Interaction.
  • Equality — Hierarchy/Rank/Status.
  • Individualism/Privacy — Group’s Welfare.
  • Self-Help — Birthright Inheritance.
  • Competition — Cooperation.
  • Future Orientation — Past Orientation.
  • Action/Work Orientation — “Being” Orientation.
  • Informality — Formality.
  • Directness/Openness/Honesty — Indirectness/Ritual/”Face”.
  • Practicality/Efficiency — Idealism.
  • Materialism/Acquisitiveness — Spiritualism/Detachment.

Key American Values from University of Missouri — St. Louis


  • Individualism and Privacy.
  • Equality.
  • Informality.
  • The Future, Change, and Progress.
  • Goodness of Humanity.
  • Time.
  • Achievement, Action, Work, and Materialism.
  • Directness and Assertiveness.

A Fondness for Ice Water: A Brief Introduction to the U.S.A. and Its People

By Grove, Cornelius Lee; And Others


  • Individualism
  • Equality
  • Friendliness
  • Assertiveness
  • Hard work

Ten Core American Values from Andrews University


  • Individualism
  • Equality
  • Materialism
  • Science and technology
  • Progress and change
  • Work and leisure
  • Competition
  • Mobility
  • Volunteerism
  • Action and achievement oriented

American Values by Prof. Guy Reel on Common Dreams


  • Freedom.
  • Equality.
  • Democracy.
  • Champion of the little guy.
  • Helper of the oppressed.
  • Defender against tyranny.

Some of the other values are ingrained in our history and our belief in our future:

  • Capitalism.
  • Independence.
  • Strength.
  • Rightness and righteousness.
  • Manifest destiny.
  • God.
  • Freedom of religion.
  • Family.
  • Wealth.
  • Faith.
  • Entertainment and happiness.

America’s Core Values from


  • Liberty
  • Self-government
  • Equality
  • Individualism
  • Diversity
  • Unity

The Core Democratic Values from Anchor Bay Schools


  • Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness
  • Life
  • Liberty
  • Pursuit of Happiness
  • The Common Good
  • Justice
  • Equality
  • Diversity
  • Truth
  • Popular Sovereignty
  • Patriotism

Lower Merion School District Program Planning Guide


  • All people have equal intrinsic worth.
  • People learn in different ways and at different rates.
  • Each person bears responsibility for the well-being of society and the quality of the environment.
  • Learning occurs everywhere and is a lifelong pursuit of knowledge, truth and wisdom.
  • High quality public education directly benefits the entire community and is essential for a democratic society.
  • The responsibility for learning rests primarily with the individual; however, education is the shared responsibility of the student, home, family, school and the entire community.
  • Individuals learn best when actively engaged in the learning process.
  • Excellence demands sustained effort.
  • All individuals can be successful learners.
  • High expectations yield high results.
  • Society benefits when individual rights are balanced with social responsibility.
  • Ethical conduct is essential to the quality of life.


  • Committed to excellence and continuous improvement.
  • Strive to ensure that all students achieve their highest level of critical thinking and creativity.
  • Strive to ensure that all students value themselves and the diversity of others.
  • Strive to ensure that all students are knowledgeable, contributing citizens capable of excelling in a rapidly changing world.
  • Individuals engaging in innovative, active experiences tailored to the myriad ways of learning and in partnership with our community.

Core Democratic Values from Civics Online


Fundamental Beliefs:

  • Life
  • Liberty
  • The Pursuit of Happiness
  • Common Good
  • Justice
  • Diversity
  • Truth
  • Popular Sovereignty
  • Patriotism

Constitutional Principles:

  • Rule of Law
  • Separation of Powers
  • Representative Government
  • Checks and Balances
  • Individual Rights
  • Freedom of Religion
  • Federalism
  • Civilian Control of the Military

Google (Alphabet)

The ubiquitous:

  • Don’t be evil.


  • Smaller bets in areas that might seem very speculative or even strange when compared to their current businesses.
  • Not a conventional company. Do not intend to become one.
  • Strive to do more.
  • Do important and meaningful things… with the resources we have.
  • Trying to do things other people think are crazy but we are super excited about.
  • You need to be a bit uncomfortable to stay relevant.
  • Make the company cleaner.
  • Make the company more relevant.
  • Run things independently that aren’t very related.
  • Businesses prospering through strong leaders and independence.
  • Focused on innovation.
  • Continuing to stretch boundaries.
  • Core mission to organize the world’s information.
  • Machine learning.
  • Seriously in the business of starting new things.
  • Incubate new efforts.
  • Alphabet companies should have independence and develop their own brands.
  • Getting more ambitious things done.
  • Taking the long-term view.
  • Empowering great entrepreneurs and companies to flourish.
  • Investing at the scale of the opportunities and resources we see.
  • Improving the transparency and oversight of what we’re doing.
  • Making Google even better through greater focus.
  • Improving the lives of as many people as we can.

Amazon Leadership Principles


“Our Leadership Principles aren’t just a pretty inspirational wall hanging. These Principles work hard, just like we do. Amazonians use them, every day, whether they’re discussing ideas for new projects, deciding on the best solution for a customer’s problem, or interviewing candidates. It’s just one of the things that makes Amazon peculiar.”

  • Customer Obsession
  • Ownership
  • Invent and Simplify
  • Are Right, A Lot
  • Hire and Develop the Best
  • Insist on the Highest Standards
  • Think Big
  • Bias for Action
  • Frugality
  • Learn and Be Curious
  • Earn Trust
  • Dive Deep
  • Have Backbone; Disagree and Commit
  • Deliver Results

Customer Obsession:

  • Leaders start with the customer and work backwards.
  • They work vigorously to earn and keep customer trust.
  • Although leaders pay attention to competitors, they obsess over customers.


  • Leaders are owners.
  • They think long term and don’t sacrifice long-term value for short-term results.
  • They act on behalf of the entire company, beyond just their own team.
  • They never say “that’s not my job.”

Invent and Simplify:

  • Leaders expect and require innovation and invention from their teams and always find ways to simplify.
  • They are externally aware, look for new ideas from everywhere, and are not limited by “not invented here.”
  • As we do new things, we accept that we may be misunderstood for long periods of time.

Are Right, A Lot:

  • Leaders are right a lot.
  • They have strong business judgment and good instincts.
  • They seek diverse perspectives and work to disconfirm their beliefs.

Hire and Develop the Best:

  • Leaders raise the performance bar with every hire and promotion.
  • They recognize exceptional talent, and willingly move them throughout the organization.
  • Leaders develop leaders and take seriously their role in coaching others.
  • We work on behalf of our people to invent mechanisms for development like Career Choice.

Insist on the Highest Standards:

  • Leaders have relentlessly high standards — many people may think these standards are unreasonably high.
  • Leaders are continually raising the bar and driving their teams to deliver high-quality products, services, and processes.
  • Leaders ensure that defects do not get sent down the line and that problems are fixed so they stay fixed.

Think Big:

  • Thinking small is a self-fulfilling prophecy.
  • Leaders create and communicate a bold direction that inspires results.
  • They think differently and look around corners for ways to serve customers.

Bias for Action:

  • Speed matters in business.
  • Many decisions and actions are reversible and do not need extensive study.
  • We value calculated risk taking.


  • Accomplish more with less.
  • Constraints breed resourcefulness, self-sufficiency and invention.
  • There are no extra points for growing headcount, budget size, or fixed expense.

Learn and Be Curious:

  • Leaders are never done learning and always seek to improve themselves.
  • They are curious about new possibilities and act to explore them.

Earn Trust:

  • Leaders listen attentively, speak candidly, and treat others respectfully.
  • They are vocally self-critical, even when doing so is awkward or embarrassing.
  • Leaders do not believe their or their team’s body odor smells of perfume.
  • They benchmark themselves and their teams against the best.

Dive Deep:

  • Leaders operate at all levels, stay connected to the details, audit frequently, and are skeptical when metrics and anecdote differ.
  • No task is beneath them.

Have Backbone; Disagree and Commit:

  • Leaders are obligated to respectfully challenge decisions when they disagree, even when doing so is uncomfortable or exhausting.
  • Leaders have conviction and are tenacious.
  • They do not compromise for the sake of social cohesion.
  • Once a decision is determined, they commit wholly.

Deliver Results:

  • Leaders focus on the key inputs for their business and deliver them with the right quality and in a timely fashion.
  • Despite setbacks, they rise to the occasion and never settle.



  • Environment
  • Supplier Responsibility
  • Accessibility
  • Privacy
  • Inclusion and Diversity



  • Deliver the future first.
  • Build strong customer relationships.
  • Unleash our human capabilities.
  • Operate with integrity and trust.
  • It takes every single one of us to deliver the experiences our customers deserve.
  • Your commitment to our customers is vital to AT&T’s success.
  • Nothing is more important than the relationships you build.
  • Anticipate needs.
  • Proactive and personal.
  • Personal commitment to delivering an extraordinary experience to every customer, every time.
  • Putting our customers first.



“Our mission is to make the world more open and connected.”

  1. Be Bold.
  2. Focus on Impact.
  3. Move Fast.
  4. Be Open.
  5. Build Social Value.

General Motors


Our Goals:

  • Move faster and push ourselves to achieve continued success.
  • Lead in advanced technologies and quality in creating the world’s best vehicles.
  • Entrust team members with responsibility and accountability.
  • Create positive, lasting relationships with customers, dealers, communities, union partners and suppliers to drive our operating success.



  • Dedication to every client’s success.
  • Innovation that matters — for our company and for the world.
  • Trust and personal responsibility in all relationships.

Dedication to every client’s success:

  • Passionate about building strong, long-lasting client relationships. This dedication spurs us to go “above and beyond” on our client’s behalf.
  • Focused on outcomes. We sell products, services and solutions to help our clients succeed, however they measure success.
  • Demonstrate this personal dedication to every client, from the largest corporation and government agency to the smallest organization.
  • No matter where they work, have a role in client success. It requires the full spectrum of IBM expertise.

Innovation that matters — for our company and for the world:

  • Forward thinkers. We believe that the application of intelligence, reason and science can improve business, society and the human condition.
  • Love grand challenges, as well as everyday improvements. Whatever the problem or the context, every IBMer seeks ways to tackle it creatively — to be an innovator.
  • Strive to be first — in technology, in business, in responsible policy.
  • Take informed risks and champion new (sometimes unpopular) ideas.

Trust and personal responsibility in all relationships:

  • Actively build relationships with all the constituencies of our business — including clients, partners, communities, investors and fellow IBMers.
  • Build trust by listening, following through and keeping their word.
  • Rely on our colleagues to do the right thing.
  • Preserve trust even when formal relationships end.



  • Patients first.
  • Respect for people.
  • Ethics & integrity
  • Innovation and scientific excellence.


  • Improve health and wellness of both people and animals.
  • Expand access to our medicines and vaccines.
  • Integrity.
  • Knowledge.
  • Imagination.
  • Skill.
  • Diversity.
  • Safety.
  • Teamwork.
  • Our employees.
  • Mutual respect.
  • Inclusion.
  • Accountability.
  • Commitment.
  • Performance.
  • Responsive to the needs of our employees and their families.
  • Responsibility.
  • Transparency.
  • Improving health.
  • Quality of life.
  • Continuous innovation.



  • Innovation.
  • Diversity and inclusion.
  • Corporate social responsibility.
  • Philanthropies.
  • Environment.
  • Trustworthy computing.

Procter & Gamble



  • Integrity
  • Leadership
  • Ownership
  • Passion for Winning
  • Trust


  • We Show Respect for All Individuals
  • The Interests of the Company and the Individual Are Inseparable
  • We Are Strategically Focused in Our Work
  • Innovation is the Cornerstone of Our Success
  • We Value Mastery
  • We Seek to Be the Best
  • We Are Externally Focused
  • Mutual Interdependency is a Way of Life

Detailed values:


  • We always try to do the right thing.
  • We are honest and straightforward with each other.
  • We operate within the letter and spirit of the law.
  • We uphold the values and principles of P&G in every action and decision.
  • We are data-based and intellectually honest in advocating proposals, including recognizing risks.


  • We are all leaders in our area of responsibility, with a deep commitment to delivering leadership results.
  • We have a clear vision of where we are going.
  • We focus our resources to achieve leadership objectives and strategies.
  • We develop the capability to deliver our strategies and eliminate organizational barriers.


  • We accept personal accountability to meet our business needs, improve our systems and help others improve their effectiveness.
  • We all act like owners, treating the Company’s assets as our own and behaving with the Company’s long-term success in mind.

Passion for Winning:

  • We are determined to be the best at doing what matters most.
  • We have a healthy dissatisfaction with the status quo.
  • We have a compelling desire to improve and to win in the marketplace.


  • We respect our P&G colleagues, customers and consumers, and treat them as we want to be treated.
  • We have confidence in each other’s capabilities and intentions.
  • We believe that people work best when there is a foundation of trust.

Detailed principles:

We Show Respect for All Individuals:

  • We believe that all individuals can and want to contribute to their fullest potential.
  • We value differences.
  • We inspire and enable people to achieve high expectations, standards and challenging goals.
  • We are honest with people about their performance.

The Interests of the Company and the Individual Are Inseparable:

  • We believe that doing what is right for the business with integrity will lead to mutual success for both the Company and the individual.
  • Our quest for mutual success ties us together.
  • We encourage stock ownership and ownership behavior.

We Are Strategically Focused in Our Work:

  • We operate against clearly articulated and aligned objectives and strategies.
  • We only do work and only ask for work that adds value to the business.
  • We simplify, standardize and streamline our current work whenever possible.

Innovation is the Cornerstone of Our Success:

  • We place great value on big, new consumer innovations.
  • We challenge convention and reinvent the way we do business to better win in the marketplace.

We Value Mastery:

  • We believe it is the responsibility of all individuals to continually develop themselves and others.
  • We encourage and expect outstanding technical mastery and executional excellence.

We Seek to Be the Best:

  • We strive to be the best in all areas of strategic importance to the Company.
  • We benchmark our performance rigorously versus the very best internally and externally.
  • We learn from both our successes and our failures.

We Are Externally Focused:

  • We develop superior understanding of consumers and their needs.
  • We create and deliver products, packaging and concepts that build winning brand equities.
  • We develop close, mutually productive relationships with our customers and our suppliers.
  • We are good corporate citizens.
  • We incorporate sustainability into our products, packaging and operations.

Mutual Interdependency is a Way of Life:

  • We work together with confidence and trust across business units, functions, categories and geographies.
  • We take pride in results from reapplying others’ ideas.
  • We build superior relationships with all the parties who contribute to fulfilling our Corporate Purpose, including our customers and suppliers, universities and governments.

Ford Foundation


  • The inherent dignity of all people.
  • Reduce poverty and injustice.
  • Strengthen democratic values.
  • Promote international cooperation.
  • Advance human achievement.
  • A vision of social justice.
  • All individuals, communities, and peoples work toward the protection and full expression of their human rights;
  • … are active participants in the decisions that affect them;
  • … share equitably in the knowledge, wealth, and resources of society;
  • … and are free to achieve their full potential.
  • Social movements are built upon individual leadership,
  • … strong institutions,
  • … and innovative, often high-risk ideas.
  • Three I’s…
  • … Individuals: Investing in individuals and leadership.
  • … Institutions: Building institutions and networks.
  • … Ideas: Supporting new ideas, insights, and research.
  • Social change.
  • Supporting new ideas.
  • Investing in novel ideas for social good.
  • Women’s rights.
  • Public interest law.
  • Digital human rights.
  • Challenging inequality.
  • Civic engagement and government.
  • Expanding participation.
  • Creativity and free expression.
  • Equitable development.
  • Just cities and regions.
  • Gender, racial, and ethnic justice.
  • Freedom and dignity.
  • Inclusive economics.
  • Quality work and economic security.
  • Technology for the public interest.
  • Youth opportunity and learning.
  • Pathways to youth success.
  • Next generation leadership.
  • Commitment to human rights.

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation


  • Optimism
  • Collaboration
  • Rigor
  • Innovation

Ten Great Life Lessons from Albert Einstein


  1. Follow Your Curiosity: “I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious.”
  2. Perseverance is Priceless: “It’s not that I’m so smart; it’s just that I stay with problems longer.”
  3. Focus on the Present: “Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves.”
  4. Imagination is Powerful: “Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions. Imagination is more important than knowledge.”
  5. Make Mistakes: “A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.”
  6. Live in the Moment: “I never think of the future — it comes soon enough.”
  7. Create Value: “Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.”
  8. Don’t Be Repetitive: “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
  9. Knowledge Comes From Experience: “Information is not knowledge. The only source of knowledge is experience.”
  10. Learn the Rules and Then Play Better: “You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.”




We have six generations alive at this time:

  • Traditionalists — GI and Silent — Born 1900–1945 (1900–1924, 1925–1945).
  • Baby Boomers — Born 1946–1964.
  • Generation X — Born 1965–1980.
  • Millennial — Born 1981–2004.
  • Homeland — Born 2005-today.

Traditionalist generations (GI and Silent)



Born 1900–1945 (1900–1924, 1925–1945).

Core values:

  • Adhere to rules.
  • Conformers/Conformity.
  • Contributing to the Collective.
  • Good is important.
  • Dedication/Sacrifice.
  • Delayed Reward.
  • Discipline.
  • Don’t question authority.
  • Duty before pleasure.
  • Family Focus.
  • “Giving Back” is important.
  • Hard Work.
  • Law and Order.
  • Loyalty.
  • Patriotism.
  • Patience.
  • Respect for authority.
  • Responsibility.
  • Savers.
  • Stabilizing.
  • Trust in Government.


  • Committed to company.
  • Competent.
  • Confident.
  • Conservative.
  • Dedication.
  • Doing more with less.
  • Ethical.
  • Fiscally prudent.
  • Hard-working.
  • Historical viewpoint.
  • Honor.
  • Linear work style.
  • Loyal to organization/employers (duty, honor, country.)
  • Organized.
  • Patriotic.
  • Respectful of Authority.
  • Rules of conduct.
  • Sacrifice.
  • Strong work ethic.
  • Task oriented.
  • Thrifty — abhor waste.
  • Trust hierarchy and authority.

Work ethic:

  • Dedicated.
  • Pay your dues.
  • Work hard.
  • Respect Authority.
  • Hard work.
  • Age = seniority.
  • Company first.

Baby Boom generation


Born 1946–1964.

Core values:

  • Anti war.
  • Anti government.
  • Anything is possible.
  • Equal rights.
  • Equal opportunities.
  • Extremely loyal to their children.
  • Involvement.
  • Optimism.
  • Personal Gratification.
  • Personal Growth.
  • Question Everything.
  • Spend now, worry later.
  • Team Oriented.
  • Transformational.
  • Trust no one over 30.
  • Youth.
  • Work.
  • Want to “make a difference”.


  • Ability to handle a crisis.
  • Ambitious.
  • Anti-establishmentism.
  • Challenge Authority.
  • Competent.
  • Competitive.
  • Consensus Leadership.
  • Consumerism.
  • Ethical.
  • Good communication skills.
  • Idealism.
  • Live to work.
  • Loyal to careers and employers.
  • Most educated as compared to other 3 generations.
  • Multi-taskers.
  • Rebellious against convention beginning with their conservative parents.
  • Traditionally found their worth in their work ethic but now seek a healthy life/work balance.
  • Optimistic.
  • Political correctness.
  • Strong work ethic.
  • Willing to take on responsibility.

Work ethic:

  • Driven.
  • Workaholic — 60 hr work weeks.
  • Work long hours to establish self-worth and identity and fulfillment.
  • Work ethic = worth ethic.
  • Quality.

Generation X generation


Born 1965–1980.

Core values:

  • Balance.
  • Diversity.
  • Entrepreneurial.
  • Fun.
  • Highly Educated.
  • High job expectations.
  • Independent.
  • Informality.
  • Lack of organizational loyalty.
  • Pragmatism.
  • Seek life balance.
  • Self-reliance.
  • Skepticism/Cynical.
  • Suspicious of Boomer values.
  • Think Globally.
  • Techno literacy.


  • Adaptable.
  • Angry but don’t know why.
  • Anti-establishment mentality.
  • Big Gap with boomers.
  • Can change.
  • Crave independence.
  • Confident.
  • Competent.
  • Ethical.
  • Flexible.
  • Focus on Results.
  • Free agents.
  • Highest number of divorced parents.
  • High degree of brand loyalty.
  • Ignore leadership.
  • Independent.
  • Loyal to Manager.
  • Pampered by their parents.
  • Pragmatic.
  • Results driven.
  • Self-starters.
  • Self sufficient.
  • Skeptical of institutions.
  • Strong sense of entitlement.
  • Unimpressed with Authority.
  • Willing to take on responsibility.
  • Willing to put in the extra time to get a job done.
  • Work/Life Balance.
  • Work to live.

Work ethic:

  • Balance.
  • Work smarter and with greater output, not work longer hours.
  • Eliminate the task.
  • Self-reliant.
  • Want structure & direction.
  • Skeptical.

Millennial generation


Born 1981–2004.

Core values:

  • Achievement.
  • Avid consumers.
  • Civic Duty.
  • Confidence.
  • Diversity.
  • Extreme fun.
  • Fun!
  • High morals.
  • Highly tolerant.
  • Hotly competitive.
  • Like personal attention.
  • Self confident.
  • Socialability.
  • Members of global community.
  • Most educated generation.
  • Extremely techno savvy.
  • Extremely spiritual.
  • Now!
  • Optimism.
  • Realism.
  • Street smarts.


  • Ambitious but not entirely focused. Look to the workplace for direction and to help them achieve their goals.
  • At ease in teams.
  • Attached to their gadgets & parents.
  • Best educated — Confident.
  • Diversity Focused — Multiculturalism.
  • Have not lived without computers.
  • Eager to spend money.
  • Fiercely Independent.
  • Focus is children/family.
  • Focus on change using technology.
  • Friendly Scheduled, structured lives.
  • Globalism (Global way of thinking.)
  • Greatly indulged by fun loving parents.
  • Heroism -Consider parents their heroes.
  • High speed stimulus junkies.
  • Incorporate individual resp. into their jobs..
  • Innovative-think out of box.
  • Individualistic yet group oriented.
  • Invited as children to play a lead role in family’s purchasing and travel decisions.
  • Loyal to peers.
  • Sociable — Makes workplace friends.
  • “Me First “ Attitude in work life.
  • Most doted upon of any generation@work.
  • Net-centric team players.
  • Open to new ideas.
  • Optimistic.
  • Parent Advocacy (Parents are advocates.)
  • Political Savvy (like the Boomers.)
  • Respect given for competency not title.
  • Respectful of character development.
  • Self — absorbed.
  • Strong sense of entitlement.
  • Techno Savvy — Digital generation.
  • Think mature generation is “cool”.
  • Want to please others.
  • Hope to make life contributions to world.
  • Very patriotic (shaped by 9/11).
  • Seek responsibility early on in their roles.

Work ethic:

  • Ambitious.
  • What’s next?
  • Multitasking.
  • Tenacity.
  • Entrepreneurial.

Homeland Generation


Born 2005-today.

The Homeland generation comprise the oldest Americans who will never recall any year of prosperity before the catastrophic global financial meltdown of 2008 — nor any national leader before the election of America’s first African-American President.

As post-9/11 infants growing up in the shadow of the America’s Asian wars and the new U.S. Department of Homeland Security, they mostly believe that the purpose of government is to “keep us safe.”

Carefully raised by hands-on Gen-X parents, who don’t dare let their own kids take the same risks they themselves took, Homelanders literally spend more time “at home” (with their multiple digital platforms) than any earlier child generation in history.

Elementary schools are introducing new behavioral regimens to forge these kids into sensitive, helpful, rule-playing youngsters.



“The vision of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is to ensure a society in which all individuals have equal rights without discrimination based on race.”


  • To ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of all citizens To achieve equality of rights and eliminate race prejudice among the citizens of the United States.
  • To remove all barriers of racial discrimination through democratic processes.
  • To seek enactment and enforcement of federal, state, and local laws securing civil rights.
  • To inform the public of the adverse effects of racial discrimination and to seek its elimination.
  • To educate persons as to their constitutional rights and to take all lawful action to secure the exercise thereof, and to take any other lawful action in furtherance of these objectives, consistent with the NAACP’s Articles of Incorporation and this Constitution.

Six NAACP Game Changers:

  1. Economic Sustainability — A chance to live the American Dream for all.
  2. Education — A free, high-quality, public education for all.
  3. Health — Health equality for all Americans including a healthy life and high-quality health care.
  4. Public Safety and Criminal Justice — Equitable dispensation of justice for all.
  5. Voting Rights and Political Representation — Protect and enhance voting rights and fair representation.
  6. Expanding Youth and Young Adult Engagement.

Anti-Defamation League (ADL)


“Our Jewish values inform our work and the change we seek in the world. These values also guide the strategy and tactics of all of our programs and activities globally, nationally and locally.”

  1. We have the courage to speak out against anti-Semitism and bigotry, discrimination and injustice — even when we stand alone.
  2. We stand up for the Jewish State of Israel — the only democratically-elected government in the Middle East.
  3. We value respect in our work and workplace, acknowledging the humanity in others — even as we put forth different views.
  4. We embrace the power of collaboration, recognizing that working together yields gains that could not always be achieved on our own.
  5. We believe in the power of inclusion and uniting people from diverse groups — because we are stronger together than when we are apart.
  6. We always observe the highest standards of integrity.
  7. We are viewed as having unquestioned credibility because our actions draw from years of experience and are grounded in research and rigorous thinking.
  8. We set high performance expectations and hold ourselves accountable for the quality of our work and the results we achieve as individuals, as a team and as one organization.

American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)


“At the ACLU, we subscribe to the principle that if the rights of society’s most vulnerable members are denied, everybody’s rights are imperiled.”

What the Bill of Rights Guarantees:

  • Your First Amendment rights: freedom of speech, association and assembly. Freedom of the press, and freedom of religion.
  • Your right to equal protection under the law: equal treatment regardless of race, sex, religion or national origin.
  • Your right to due process: fair treatment by the government whenever the loss of your liberty or property is at stake.
  • Your right to privacy: freedom from unwarranted government intrusion into your personal and private affairs.

What was needed was an institution to take seriously those aspirations and fight for them.

  • ACLU is our nation’s guardian of liberty.
  • Because freedom can’t protect itself.
  • Defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties that the Constitution and laws of the United States guarantee everyone in this country.
  • The U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights trumpet our aspirations for the kind of society that we want to be.
  • But for much of our history, our nation failed to fulfill the promise of liberty for whole groups of people.
  • If the rights of society’s most vulnerable members are denied, everybody’s rights are imperiled.
  • We protect American values. In many ways, the ACLU is the nation’s most conservative organization. Our job is to conserve America’s original civic values — the Constitution and the Bill of Rights — and defend the rights of every man, woman and child in this country.
  • We’re not anti-anything. The only things we fight are attempts to take away or limit your civil liberties, like your right to practice any religion you want (or none at all); or to decide in private whether or not to have a child; or to speak out — for or against — anything at all; or to be treated with equality and fairness, no matter who you are.
  • We’re there for you. Rich or poor, straight or gay, black or white or brown, urban or rural, pious or atheist, American-born or foreign-born, able-bodied or living with a disability. Every person in this country should have the same basic rights. And since our founding in 1920, we’ve been working hard to make sure no one takes them away.

Environmental Defense Fund (EDF)


  • Preserve the natural systems on which all life depends.
  • Guided by science and economics.
  • Find practical and lasting solutions to the most serious environmental problems.
  • Work to solve the most critical environmental problems facing the planet.
  • Multidisciplinary approach.
  • Work in concert with other organizations.
  • Work with business, government, and communities.
  • Avoid duplicating work already being done effectively by others.
  • Experiment courageously.
  • Prosperity and environmental stewardship must go hand in hand.
  • Optimists.
  • Build strong partnerships across interests.
  • Solutions that benefit people while protecting natural systems.
  • Committed to bipartisan environmentalism.
  • Resist attacks against America’s bedrock environmental laws.
  • Environmentally friendly business practices.

Core values:

  • Results — Create environmental solutions that make a lasting difference in the world.
  • Respect — Welcome diverse perspectives, talents and contributions.
  • Innovation — Design and use a wide range of problem-solving tools.
  • Optimism — Embrace ambitious environmental goals while taking into account real-world dynamics.
  • Integrity — Uphold a commitment to science, rigorous analysis, intellectual honesty and ethical action.

World Wildlife Fund (WWF)


  • Protecting the future of nature.
  • Mission to conserve nature and reduce the most pressing threats to the diversity of life on Earth.
  • Conserve the world’s most important forests.
  • Safeguard healthy oceans and marine livelihoods.
  • Secure water for people and nature.
  • Protect the world’s most important species.
  • Double net food availability; freeze its footprint.
  • Create a climate-resilient and zero-carbon world, powered by renewable energy.
  • Protect and restore species and their habitats.
  • Strengthen local communities’ ability to conserve the natural resources they depend upon.
  • Transform markets and policies to reduce the impact of the production and consumption of commodities.
  • Ensure that the value of nature is reflected in decisions made by individuals, communities, governments and businesses.
  • Mobilize hundreds of millions of people to support conservation.
  • Fostering a future where people live in harmony with nature.
  • Continued health of our planet.
  • Guided by best practices in governance, accountability and transparency.
  • Highest level of ethical conduct in all that we do.
  • Donors trust us to make wise use of their funds.
  • Governments and the public trust us to use strong science and best practices in the field to meet our conservation objectives.
  • High standards for ourselves to measure success and promote good governance.

Core values:

  • Results. Above all, we are committed to achieving conservation results. We work to the highest standards with enthusiasm, flexibility and a keen sense of the urgency of our cause.
  • Integrity. We are honest, responsible, and accountable within WWF and with others. This commitment to integrity is reflected in our scientific analyses and policy positions, our financial management practices and our relationships with partners and supporters who make our work possible.
  • Respect. As a global, multicultural organization, we recognize and value the unique skills and perspectives of our employees, supporters and partners, and the communities in which we work.

Amnesty International


Vision and mission:

“AI’s vision is of a world in which every person enjoys all of the human rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international human rights instruments. In pursuit of this vision, AI’s mission is to undertake research and action focused on preventing and ending grave abuses of these rights.”

Core values:

  • International solidarity.
  • Effective action for the individual victim.
  • Global coverage.
  • The universality and indivisibility of human rights.
  • Impartiality and independence.
  • Democracy and mutual respect.

Influential philosophers prior to the Revolution



This paper won’t go into further detail, but various philosophers had a significant impact on the development of values that influenced the Founding Fathers prior to the Revolution:

  • Thomas Hobbes — social contract theory
  • John Locke
  • David Hume
  • Montesquieu — father of the modern theory of separation of powers
  • Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Obama Foundation



General values:

  • A culture of active citizenship.
  • Inspire and empower people to change their world.
  • Focus on solving problems, not taking sides.
  • Strive to collaborate, not to compete.
  • We win when ordinary citizens understand the impact every individual can make in a community, regardless of who they are or what they believe.
  • Victory in civic engagement that goes beyond border, party, or pride.
  • We are defined not by politics, but by our values.

Specific values:

  • Team.
  • Humility.
  • Integrity.
  • Inclusivity.
  • Stewardship.
  • Fearlessness.
  • Imagination.

Other general values subsidiary to those specific values:

  • We share a passion for impacting the lives of those around us.
  • Sometimes that means speaking up.
  • Other times that means stepping aside to create space for other voices.
  • We recognize that we do not have all the answers, and we commit to showing up and learning from others.
  • We recognize that how we do our work and how we collaborate with others is just as important as what we are seeking to accomplish.
  • We value each other’s contributions and hold the conviction that only from diverse backgrounds and divergent points of view can we find the best solutions.
  • We roll up our sleeves, work hard, and focus on what we are giving back to our communities, rather than what we are gaining ourselves.
  • When we find success, we remember and support those who are just beginning to take risks and make a difference.
  • We have a fearless mindset.
  • We are not afraid of taking risks, sharing a new idea, meeting new people, or admitting when we just don’t know the answer. Something great might come of it.
  • We strive to be novel thinkers.
  • Unconventional ideas and new perspectives are why we’re here.
  • We are willing to make big bets on ideas that haven’t been tried before as we aim to solve the hardest problems of our times.

What’s next?

There are certainly other notable Americans, groups, organizations, and individuals whose values, principles, and ideals should be included in this paper. More will be added as seems appropriate, but the set given here should be sufficient for our immediate purposes. I don’t expect that additional work on this list would uncover many more values, but simply give more color to how values in America have evolved over the past 250 years.

At this stage a fair amount of the groundwork for this project has been completed.

I’ll go back and review the scoping paper to see what’s left before tackling the big problem of trying to synthesize some relatively small set of quasi-universal American values.

The next step may be to produce another issues paper to distill the remaining issues that all of these papers haven’t yet adequately addressed.

I may also decide to take a break on this project to give all this thinking some time to bake before proceeding.

